Superpower Surprise

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Eddy POV

I woke up in my massive room I checked the time 6:00 a.m. that's late compared to what I usually wake up at, well I'm hungry let me make breakfast for everyone as a thank you for adopting me. I decided to make pancakes. I know I know nobody in the orphanage liked them but that's because they are brats especially Jack. I made the pancakes and put extra maple syrup for Rob just how he likes it ( Idk if he actually likes it like that) then I top all of them off with a tiny cube of butter. 2 minutes later and everyone rushes downstairs like stampede to get the food. Wow I didn't know I was that good at cooking. After everyone gets a plate I took one of course Rob took the one who extra maple syrup. We decided we would go out shopping I changed into my casual minecraft creeper top, green trousers and black and green high tops.Like I wore when I got adopted by the pack, I still can't believe that I got adopted by the pack, The only thing I'm scared of is getting bullied even more in school and having those annoying creeps make me tell the house address but I think I'm ready for it I do karate.We all pile into two cars.Car one has Preston in the driver seat, Rob in the seat next to him, me in the middle,Jerome on the right and Mitch on the left.Car two Lachlan driving and vikk in the front.

"#POOFLESS!" I scream.

Then Mitch and Jerome look at me with sad faces so I say.


"Ok so we're going to blah blah this shop that shop," Preston said

Preston says so many shops that I literally zone out for half of them

"Wow I'm gonna be spoilt, but I don't wanna be spoilt!" I whine.

"Well your gonna be," he says then he just chuckles.

When we get their Preston just hands me a wallet with a creeper face.I look inside and see 400$.

"Preston which bank did you rob to get this money?" I ask with a straight face.

"Youtube pays me a lot of da maneys dood," he says in a weird accent.

"Well lets get shopping I say," in those bratty girl accents.

"Ok just don't stab my ears with that voice," Lachlan says with a face that looks like he actually got stabbed in the ear.

We go shopping for like ever until I ask if we can finally go eat.

"Where do you wanna go?" Mitch asked.

"Well I've never been to McDonald's," I respond with a choosing face

Everyone's jaws dropped like I had killed someone.

"We are getting you there right now!" Mitch screamed.

He carried me over his shoulder fireman style.I decided to order a Big Mac with fries and a chocolate milkshake.
(1 surprise coming up)

"Guys I need to go to the bathroom just take the money out of my wallet and pay," I said going to the toilet.

"Ok," they all said.

I finished doing my business so I dry my hands then a man comes into the toilet.He gives me a stare then I just ignore it.Then he tells me to put my hands up.I don't look at him and ignore him.Then time slows down and I hear a gun shot.I turn around and time goes normal then all the air from the hand dryer got directed straight at him, and the bullet. The bullet shot him in he arm and I just ran out The toilet.In my head I was just thinking, do I have powers? I just ignored the feeling we went home and then on the news was about a man who got shot on the arm he was a criminal that had murdered several people. The police said the gun only had his fingerprints on it. The police asked the man what happened and he said that a tiny avatar air bended the bullet he shot at him towards himself. The police said that the bullet would cause some chemical to go into your body and make some cells in your brain disintegrate. They said the location and it was the same place we ate McDonald's so everyone had gave me the same look like I killed someone. I did! Preston questioned me what happened but I lied and said that I'm was finished before that and I was tying my shoe in front of the door also I had my IPod and was listening to loud music.Preston asked me how the guy looked but I said I didn't look at his face. Technically I don't bother to look at my face in the mirror so I'm not lying. I remembered I had school next week and it was Friday.And tomorrow I had karate. Wow.

"Eddy I have something to tell you," Preston said.

"What is it," I said.

"Well we did a Rock Paper Scissors to see who's your dad and its Mitch and since we're all men we did another Rock Paper Sciccors to see who is your other dad and its Vikk but Vikk is the closest to a girl we have, anyways you have the pack no need for a Mom," Preston said.

"Cool," I said.

"And since they're your dads they're gonna teach you about their culture and stuff," Preston said.

"I know they are like my dads but I want to treat everyone like my big brothers, like Vikk and Mitch are still the boss of me though," I explain.

"Ok," they both say.

I decide to go to bed since I have karate tomorrow.I change my clothes fall on the bed and go to sleep.


I hear banging on the door and then I hear it open.4 year old me runs downstairs to see my whole family there my mom, dad and big brother staring at these 4 men with guns. My dad goes and one of the men. He shoots my dad but he is still running at dad is bleeding badly then he turns into a lion he jumps at the man and bites his head of there is still 3 of them left. Then one of the men shoot him then my dad says he loves us and drops dead. I'm crying curled up on the couch.Then my mom goes up the one of the men and shoots laser beams out of her eyes. The man is nearly dead and then he shoots my mom in the heart and they both die.Im crying even more. My brother just stands there. Then I hear one of the men say. He's invisible.They somehow shoot my brother and then he shoots out a massive green ball as the men shoot him then he says run.I run as far and fast as I can. I run across country until I can't run anymore and I just sit down on the sidewalk next to a gas station as people walk past me.The next day the gas station owner helps me gives me food then he brings me to an orphanage,It was amazing there was so many nice people one day I looked outside the window and saw a man I thought he was going to adopt but he wasn't. when the owner opened the door he killed her.Everyone hid in random places.Then time slowed down and I decided to run I ran outside the house and I was in the middle of he road running away then it exploded. I felt something hit my back and everything went black.Then I saw the man from the gas station he told me that everyone died except me.He had some good news and bad news.Bad news is that your in a hospital and there is double good news. You're going to another orphanage in America.I had always wanted to go to America.And second good news is that since you got hit in the back with a chunk of the orphanage you had to have surgery and get some bones removed which means you are now very flexible.I got out of the bed and decided to do a backhand spring and I did one.I was really amazed. The Doctor also said that there is something in you that makes you heal way faster than normal people It would've take you 2 months to heal but it's only taken you a day and now you're up and healthy.Then the man that blew up the orphanage came up to me with a knife and he charged at me.        (End of Dream/FlashBack)

Vikk and Mitch ran into my room.

( really long A/N So this is kind of a cliffhanger well this was so long and it has 1532 words well it's gonna end with that much so yeah you figured out his secret he has super powers that's probably why his last name is Supertin yeah I didn't mention his last name also I know his last name sounds weird but I litterally made it up in like 5 second so yeah I hope this wasn't too long I'm sorry if it was but I hope you enjoyed chapter 3 of ABTP also should I name the chapters like should I name this one Superpower surprise also I forgot to say that he forgot he had superpowers after the orphanage blew up but the flashback made him remember and also he is from Ireland I'm typing too much well anyways thank you for reading Chapter 3 of ABTP



And follow

And have a happy Easter oh wait it isn't Easter

Bye my TBNR's

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