mo's going camping and cops

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([Y/N] pov)
I woke up to hear mo yelling. "I'M GOING CAMPING GOOD BYE" and after that was a door slam. I decided to get up, I made some ice coffee and saw jolt, he was crying. I sat my coffee down and walked over to him and he was holding a picture of me and him, "she'll never love me, GOD (D word) IT" I took a couple steps to him and crouched next to him, "jolt it's ok..... I love you" he turned to he and ran but I grabbed his hand, I stood up and hugged him, he hugged me back and I saw his heart glow, tears down his face, him smiling, I stood on my tippy toes and kissed him and he kissed back, he picked me up by my waist and we kissed longer, "I forgot myyyy.... keys, MY SHIP" we stopped kissing and he put me down. Mo left and we saw her drive, "how long is she gonna be gone" "1 week" "oh" we sat on the couch and he put his arm around me, I laid my head on his shoulder and we fell asleep. I woke up to here fan girling, I saw Jemi and Commilla taking pictures. "Why are you guys here" they looked at me and fan away, I got a notice on my phone so when I went to my insagram, commilla posted those pictures. I started to blush and stand up, jolt and I some how were holding hands so it was kinda hard to to wake him up so when I walked he fell off the couch, his grip got tighter, "Mmmm why am I on... oh hi heh" he stood up and we were still holding hands and he noticed. "Omg I am soooooooooooooooooooo sorry" "It's ok, I kinda like it" he started to blush with his adorable self. "I'm gonna take a shower ok jolt" he nodded. When I was taking the shower I realized that I forgot my towel. "Awhh crap" I turned off the shower and I slowly opened the door. I opened it enough that my face only shows. "Hey jolt" "yeah" can you go on my room and get my towel" I saw his face and he saw mine. He was blushing so much. He nodded and got me the towel. When he gave me the towel I dryed off and rapped the towel around me. I started to walk to my room when I ran into jolt, I fell on him and he blushed. "I am so sorry" he helped me up and I ran to my room. "Good thing I had my towel on or that would be imbrassing." I put on a blue tank top, black skinny jeans, and black convers. I blow dried my hair and I put it in a simple low pony tail. I put on only mascara and some pink lip gloss . (You don't need make up because you are amazing with out it and I am talking in real life and in the story ) I walked out to see jolt playing with Gemini. "Aww so cute." He smiled and hugged me. "Why did you hug me" " because you were the for me" I smiled and put the leash on Gemini. "Jolt I'm gonna take Gemini for a walk, wanna come" he held my open hand and nodded, he opened the door and we started walking till a woman ran over to us "you..(gasp) had my dog this hole (gasp) time. COPS GET HER" one of the cops ran over to me and pinned my to the ground, jolt also got pinned. The cops put the hand cuffs on us and put us in the car. "Sir what did we do" "you are charged for stealing and breaking in" "what I found him at the park, he was hurt so I took him home and took care of him" " that's not what the lady told us." I looked down and started to cry. Jolt was still hand cuffed but he nuzzled me "we'll be alright I have proof" he kissed my cheek and then looked away, I kept crying but the cop stopped and looked at me. "Miss I need you to stop crying because we are here" "yes sir" I stoped crying and the cops took us out and sits us down. "Mister they broke in and stole my dog aresst then now" "I can't do that yet" the cops looked at us." Mister cop I have proof we did not steal him, my left eye is a cramra so it records all." Jolt some how got a flash drive and stuck it into his side, I made a hologram and showed us. "I'M GOING CAMPING" "Mo shut up the hot [Y/N] Is sleeping" he looked up and blused. "Wrong one" he went back to a couple of days and went to one called finding Gemini. It played us going to the park and finding him, he Saw us taking care of Gemini. " I see, yall are free to go" I handed the leash to the woman but Gemini started to wimper" shut up dog now I need to do more stuff to you stupid" the dog bit her leg and ran to me. "Fine go to those stupid idiots" we left the police station and I was holding Gemini. "Soo jolt, who is this hot girl" he lightly punched me." Grrr" I died of laughing and jolt started to blush. "You better be lucky I like you" "yeah" we walked back to our house, jolt took Gemini and I decided to take a nap, my ears started to twitch when I laid down. That's not good, I got up to my ears twitch 2 times faster, I walked out the door to see the crazy dog person that tried to aresst us was here, she was pinning jolt to the floor and may I say that she is in her 20s and I am just 15 and jolts 16. I ran over to the woman but she stood up and punched me, I fell on the floor holding my stomach, I stood up and I found out that jolts battery was super low, "JOLT GO CHARGE I DEAL WITH HER" "but no I ca.." "NOW" he did as I said and ran to his room. "You let lover boy run how pitty" "you mother f.." before I could finish she jumped on my back, "YOU" I fell on my back and she kicked me off. I stumbled but stood up, I ran over to her and put her in head lock. I then slammed her to the floor and jumped on her stomach and punched her face 5 times. she moved at the last punch and stabbed my stomach. "GAHHHH Why" "HAHAHA" she then ran out the house, "JOLT......JOLT....Jolt...jolll......" I blacked out. I woke up but did not fully wake up, I could only hear, "When will she wake up sir." "I don't know but you need to" "hello" I heard running to me, I still could not see but I heard and felt the man I think is jolt cry. "Jolt" "I THOUGHT I'D LOSE YOU" he hugged me, I felt a little shock and it let me see. " I thought I never see this face again" "jolt.." " I thought this beautiful girl will never see light but I was wrong you are here.... wait what happening to you" the doctor ran over to me and he looked like an ant. "Why are you flying" "why are you so small..." "I asked you first" I looked around, I could not be flying could i, I looked at the mirror and I was flying. "I don't have wings how the flying (F word) am I flying" "really, just really" "I'm sorry I had to say that" I flew down and fell on the floor, I still had the Hospital gown on but it covered everything. I fell on the floor and laughed, "[Y/N] your hair is blue and your eyes are black." I looked in the mirror and screamed, I flew again but I flew to my bed and I hid under my bed. "Don't worry we just have to knock you out so the powers go away" "No way I want to fly but no black eyes or blue hair". He got me out and set me on a chair, jolt was sitting on my bed. "You can have all or nothing" "all" he nodded his head and let me go home, good thing jolt got me clean close, I got changed and got in jolts car. " Why did you let me charge, I could have helped and you would be fine" I did nothing but stair out the window, "ok I get it if you don't want to talk but I called the cops and that BAKA Is in jail" I nodded and looked in the back seat, I saw a baby. "Why Is there a baby" "I'm babysitting my neighbors baby" I nodded and smiled at the baby.
I went to sit up because I took a nap, I sat up and felt pain in my stomach. I stood up an it hurt worse. "Ow what happened...oh yeah I got stabbed" I lifted my shirt to see that it was normal, no scare, so stiches, nothing. I lower my shirt and looked in the mirror again, my hair was blue and my eyes were black (It's like not the whole eye it's just were the eye color and pupil) I did not scream because I did not to worry jolt and the baby. I decided to change into this.

I walked out and I flew into jolt, I noticed that NACKED

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I walked out and I flew into jolt, I noticed that NACKED.

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