*At the water park*
Ally: So what are we gonna do first (She's wearing this by the way
Austin: Lets go to that new slide they have here, I heard its epic (He's wearing
Ally: Okay but it's not to high right
Austin: Pretty much (Confused) why?
Ally: (A bit embarrassed) I'm scared of those rides
Austin: Aww (Hugs her) don't worry I'll be waiting for you so I can catch you (Kisses her cheek)
Ally: (Blushes a lot, hugs back) Thanks
Austin: (Pulls away, grabs her hand) Ready
Ally: (Still blushing, holds his hand back) Lets do this
Austin: (Laughs a bit, walks with her to the waterslide)
Auslly: (Are almost up)
Ally: (Sees they're pretty high up, gets scared)
Austin: (Noticed) Don't worry you'll be okay
Ally: It looks so scary from up here (Hugs him)
Austin: (Hugs back) If you want we can go together
Ally: (Looks at him)
Austin: You'll sit infront of me and I'll hold you tight to make sure nothing happens to you deal
Ally: (Smiles, blushes a bit) Deal
Worker: Next
Austin: (Grabs her hand) You got this
Ally: (Smiles, sits down)
Austin: (Sits behind her, holds her tight)
Ally: (Still a bit scared, closes her eyes)
Auslly: (Slide down, scream)
Ally: Ahhhhh!!!!!!
Austin: WHOOHOO!!!!!!
Auslly: (Swim up)
Austin: That was awesome (Swims closer to her)
Ally: I gotta admit I liked it but I was still scared
Austin: I heard that, you know you scream loud
Ally: (Giggles) Sorry and thanks for sliding with me
Austin: (Smiles at her) No problem
Ally: (Hugs him)
Austin: (Smiles, hugs back)
Auslly: (Pull away, stare into each others eyes)
Austin: (Kisses her cheek) Wanna get some food
Ally: (Blushes, smiles) Sure
Auslly: (Swim out of the pool, walk to a snackbar)
*With Brase*
Chase: (Knocks on her door, he's wearing
Brase: (Opens the door, she's wearing this
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