Chapter 5

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"Hey, how you doing?" Anton sits on my bed; offering his gently smile. It's been a week since the incident at breakfast and since then, Anton has become my best friend in the house.

"I'm good. Where's Dominic?" I ask.

"He and Nikki went out." He rolls his eyes and slips under the covers beside me while flipping through the channels on my television.

Nicoli allowed me to move in with them and I actually like it. At first I was terrified, I honestly still am, but having Anton here helps. I'm still cautious with him, but out if the people that live here (which I discovered is quite a lot) I'm most comfortable with him.

"There is nothing on," Anton drawls. "Let's go out."


"Yeah. Let's go out and see a movie. The boys have Dom's car and I know where Nikki keeps his keys." Anton grins mischievously.

I hesitate a bit. This is a bad idea. We shouldn't take Nicoli's car without permission, but at the same time, I've been couped up in this mansion for nearly two weeks.

"I guess," before I'm able to formulate the rest of my sentence Anton lifts me up and carries me over to my closet where I have a lot of clothes, thanks to Nicoli. I don't know why he willing decided to spend money on me.

Anton grabs a white T-shirt, dark blue skinny jeans, and pure white Nike shoes.

"You'll look hot, trust me." Anton says, exiting to get ready himself.

I sigh and close the door, slowly undressing while looking at my self in the full body mirror. I hold back tears as I scan over the puffy pink scar along my chest. It extends from the left side of my collar bone down to the top of my rib cage. Then I spot the tinier faded scars along my rib cage; fifteen to twenty cuts in each side.

I let the tears fall and do my best to shake away the dark memories. Trying to remove him from my mind.

I put on the clothing and walk out of the room, being greeted by one of the other tenants.

"Hi, Austin." He says in an over exaggerated voice.

"H-h-hi, Anthoney." I say, standing still until Anton returns. Please be quick.

"Where are you going?" He asks, giving one of the fakest smiles I've ever seen and my parents gave them to me for years.

"None of your business, Anthoney. Now piss off." Anton snaps, shoving the guy away. "Let's go." He smiles, before giving a glare to Anthoney.

"He doesn't like me." I say once we're in the garage, with Nicoli's Mercedes.

"He's pissy because Nicoli fancies you and doesn't want him."

"Why do you keep saying that? Nicoli doesn't like me." I pout.

"Don't you even. You know he's practically whipped. You ask him for anything and he'll do it." Anton say before tossing me a pair of keys. "You're driving."

"What? Why me?"

"I'm sixteen and don't have my license yet and you do."

"What?" I sputter. "You're sixteen!"

"I know right. I look much older." He laughs, hopping into the car. I sigh and get into the driver's seat. Anton opens the garage and I start the precious vehicle. "Be gentle. Nikki will kill us if we damage his car."

I glare at Anton; I'm already nervous as it is and his "warning" is no damn help. I push the gas and we zoom out directly through the gate onto the road.

"Shit!" I yell, swirving until we start to drive straight.

"And the instructors said I'm a bad driver. Sure." Anton says.

"I will push you out, Anton. Don't even test me."I attempt to keep a serious face, but fail and burst into laughter. Anton does the same and we make our way to the movie theatre.


"Well that was anticlimactic." I chuckle.

"Yeah, I've seen a lot better." Anton nods in agreement, but then his eyes are caught to something else.

"Austin, get in the car." Anton opens the passenger side ushering me into the car.

"Anton, what's going on?" Then I follow his gaze, spotting two men in black suits.

The two men look at to each other, then pull out handguns aiming them at the car!

"Duck!" Anton yells. I follow instructions as the two men open fire on Nicoli's car which, by the looks seems the windows are bullet proof. Anton reaches under the driver's seat, pulling out a handgun of his own.

He rolls over the hood of the car and fires at the two men as they reload. He hits them directly, both men collapsing in polls of blood.

Anton holsters the gun and gets into the car; my eyes wide as he gets in.

"I'll explain once we're safe at the mansion." Just as he says that, his phone starts blaring; his brother's name flashing on the screen. He answers and puts it on speaker.

"Anton, get home now! Norman's men have been spotted around!" Nicoli yells.

"Yeah, I know. I just killed two of them at the theatre." Anton responds as we pull onto the road where the mansion is located.

"Good job, little brother. Now hurry up. Austin's missing."

"I'm with Anton." I speak gently.

"Austin? Thank God you're okay. Anton get home quickly." With that Nicoli ends the call and we pull into the garage, where two of Nicoli's people are waiting.

We walk into the living room, both Dominic and Nicoli pulling us into a bone crushing hug.

Thank God, you boys are safe." Dominic says, giving Anton a long kiss on the lips, while Nicoli and I stand, awkwardly staring at each other.

"Are you okay? Did they hurt you?" Nicoli asks, holding my face gently between his hands.

"I'm okay, but I need some answers." I say, one of the first times I've spoken to Nicoli and didn't stutter.

He looks to Dominic who nods. He laces his fingers with mine and leads me over to the couch where we sit.

"I'm Nicoli Sans. The leader of the West Coasts largest mafia. I know it may be hard for you to understand, but believe me when I say, no one here will hurt you. I brought you here when I found some drunk prick trying to hurt you." I stay quiet. I let what he just told me sink in.

I should run, scream, or do something to get away from these people. But I don't want to. I actually like them. And the fact that Anton saved me today just helps.

So instead of screaming for them to leave me be; I crawl into Nicoli's lap and kiss the hell out of him.

Everlasting Love (ManXBoy M-preg) *Complete*Where stories live. Discover now