Chapter 15

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"I don't care Miley! I never want to see her lying, pathetic, cheating ass again! I'm so done with her! I trusted her with my heart, again, for like the 3rd time, and then she pulls this bullshit, no I'm fucking over it." I yell at her.

"I understand where you are coming from, but she wants to talk to you. Can't you at least hear her out, maybe she has a good reason." Miley said trying to reason with me.

"No! That's finale, I gave her so many chances, and look where that got me. What if Liam did that, like 4 times. She cheated on me 4 fucking times!! Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me, fool me four times your a fucking idiot!" I yell.

"Y/NN, calm down, it's ok you don't have to talk to her unless you want to." Andrea said calming me down. "Plus, you have 4 other girlfriends begging for YOUR attention. So go to them." She pushed me towards the door.

I stumble slightly and walk out the door.

The girls immediately stand up and rush towards me.

I got surrounded by girls asking if I was ok. Damn I really like these girls. I honestly am falling for these girls.

"Guys, I'm fine, honestly. I don't care anymore. It's ok, you don't have to worry about me, I promise." I told them.

"It's our job to worry about you, that's what girlfriends are for, and get quadruple the about of worry and love!" Camila said happily.

"G-Girlfriends?" I heard someone stuttered at the front door.

We all looked up to see Lauren there with silent tears running down her face. I can't help but to feel a little bad for her, as much as I hate to admit it.

I sighed, "What are you doing here Lauren?" I rub my forehead in irritation.

"I wanted t-to t-t-talk to you." Lauren sniffed.

"Ugh, fine, but I don't want to hear any fucking excuses.

She nodded her head rapidly.
"I won't, I promise."

"Okay, c'mon, let's go in the back." I said leading her.

We got to the back and shut the door, I sighed and assumed that the girls would probably try to listen to our conversation.

"Y/N-" Lauren started.

I told her to hold on, and then I opened the door. The girls came tumbling in.

"Really?" I asked in amusement.

"Oops?" Camila said more like a question. "Gotta Zayn!" She yelled and ran off.

I looked up at my girls and sighed shaking my head with a smile.

They smiled back, "If you need anything, just call us." Ally told me.

"I will, babe. I'll be fine, promise." I said with a loving smile on my face.

"Okay!" Ally said in a dreamy daze at the fact that I called her babe.

I smile and bid them goodbye.

I turn toward Lauren to see her have a jealous look on her face. I sighed knowing that this would happen, smh.

"Okay, tell me why you did that." I asked sitting down across from her.

"... I know that you don't want any excuses but I'm telling you the truth I promise." She told me honestly.

I nodded telling her to continue.

"Okay, so I was going to the bathroom, by myself, after the concert, when I saw Brad. I asked him why he was here because he wasn't welcome, anyway, he then pushed me u-up against the w-wall, h-h-he f-f-forced hi-himself on me. He-he-" I cut he off by sitting down beside her and rubbing her back to sooth her.

She instantly cuddled into me, sobbing into my chest.

"Shh, shh, it's ok, I'm here. I won't let anybody ever hurt you again." I told her.

She finally calmed down enough to tell me the rest of the story.

"Then he brought me back to the bus and forced me to kiss him when you came on the bus. I promise I didn't kiss back, I would never do that I swear! I love you to much to ever hurt you again. You have to believe me, please. I promised you, the girls, our friends, and myself that I would never hurt you again like that! I promise!" Lauren told me crying even more.

Wow, she loves me?

"Yo-you love me?" I finally ask her.

"Is that all you got out of the speech?" She laughed. "But yeah, I love you Y/N, I love you and the girls so much." She said with love in her eyes.

"...I believe you, and I, I love you too." I told her.

We looked at each other I the eyes and we kissed. When our lips met, I wanted to moan at all the passion, love and lust in the kiss. I don't care, I'm never letting these girls go. Never.

We pulled apart because the lack of air.

"I think we should go tell the girls. But before we do, I have a very important question to ask you." I said looking in her eyes.

She nodded vigorously.

"Will you, will you do me the honour of being my girlfriend." I asked seriously.

"Yes! A million times yes!" Her face broke out in a huge smile and she just on my lap and attacked me with kisses.

"Okay, okay!" I laughed getting up. "Now let's go tell the girls what happened. Is it okay if I tell them about, ya know." I asked.

She sighed with tears in her eyes and nodded. I went over to her and hug her, giving her as much comfort, love, and support as I could. I feel like shit that I didn't talk to her sooner, if I would've known, none of this heartbreak would've happened.

"Are you ok now?" I ask as her sobs subsided.

She nodded into my chest. I grabbed her hand and intertwined our fingers and led her to the living area.

The girls looked up from what they were doing and furrowed their eyebrows at our intertwined fingers.

"Um..." Normani asked pointing to our fingers.

"Okay, take a seat I have something very important to tell you guys." I told them.

After the conversation we had they understood everything.

"I'm sorry Ralph, if I would've known that happened I wouldn't have done what I did." Dinah apologized.

"Yeah we are really sorry, if we would've heard you out, all of this could've been avoided." Ally apologized.

The rest of the night consisted of cuddles, kisses, food, and movies.

Tomorrow I'm going to kicks Brads fucking ass back to the United Kingdom.

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