Chapter 1

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"Charles, darling you're being ridiculous!" Claudia shrugged off her coat, hanging it on the hat rack standing behind the plush looking lounge in the corner.

"Claudia honestly I do not understand how you can argue with me about this. This is no joke it is a serious threat." Claudia let out a dramatic sigh throwing herself down on the lounge, her head rolling to the side to look at Charles. The man had a beer belly that spilled over his suit pants and a receding hairline that was starting to turn gray at the roots.

"I know it is not a joke, I just think this is all a bit much..." The old man narrowed his eyes at Claudia, avoiding his stare she fiddled with the end of her chiffon dress. "I mean honestly Charles a bodyguard? That's extreme even for you, in fact, you should get an award because no one has ever managed to shock me as much as you have right now." Charles grumbled under his breath, shifting his weight on the lounge to reach into his back pocket for a packet of cigarettes.

A cloud of smoke wafted over Claudia's face the overpowering, acrid smell causing Claudia to fall into a violent coughing fit.

"For the love of God, Charles get that filth away from me!" Claudia propelled herself off the lounge, the soft material still dented with her body's imprint. Claudia gave Charles a pointed look crossing her arms over her chest.

"I'm sorry Claudia but this is not up for discussion!" Charles took on a very condescending tone, tapping the end of his cigarette into an ashtray, he stood up dusting off his suit jacket before looking back at Claudia. "It is a threat against your life,"

Claudia rolled her eyes, "I know what the threat is!" Charles chose to ignore her interruption and continue on.

"and I think after what happened with your family we can never be too careful. Besides, I have already gotten you a bodyguard." Charles quickly stepped around Claudia knowing farewell he had hit a nerve, by the way, her hand clenched into fists at her sides.

"Charles you shouldn't worry about the safety of my life because if you continue to talk about my family I think your life might be in more danger." Claudia's body trembled with her rage, her blue eyes sparkling with anger.

Claudia retrieved her coat off the hat stand and gave a slight nod in Charles's direction. Her heels clicked against the wooden floor as she moved to the front door. She looked back at Charles her eyes still blazing with emotions, he nodded towards the door and Claudia took the hint. She pulled down her black, Gucci sunglasses and disappeared behind the large, mahogany doors.

"Is that her?" A man came up behind Charles staring at the door Claudia disappeared behind.

"She's stubborn, and a pain in the ass!" Charles lit another cigarette.

"She's young, nieve even." A deep, throaty laugh escaped Charles as he turned to the man.

"My boy, she may be young but she is an old soul. Thinking about it, she is probably the smartest person I know." Charles scurried off to his office, the other man waiting patiently for him to return. The elder man returned with a leather, black briefcase. "Now as her agent I am entrusting you with this information, it includes the threats and her personal information. She won't like this arrangement so be patient, she doesn't let a lot of people in so she can be very closed off and moody." Charles thrust the briefcase into the man's hand and walked to the front door. "Oh and Logan nothing is to harm her, do you understand me?" Logan watched as all the humor drained from Charles's face.

"I understand sir." The ends of Charles's lips twitched upwards, opening up the door he pushed Logan out and closed it behind him.

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Claudia watched patiently at the passing cars, she stood on the edge of the walkway waiting for her limousine. Her anger had now simmered down and the worse part about her being alone is she was alone with her thoughts.

The limousine rolled up in front of her and she breathed a sigh of relief. A small ding went off inside her purse, reaching in she pulled out her phone. A message flashed up on the lock screen.

Would be bad if something was to happen to that limo with you in it.

Claudia lifted her eyes searching the area, there was a woman pushing a stroller and a man walking his dog, neither looked suspect enough to have sent the threatening text.

Logan watched with peaked interest, as Claudia made her way around the front of the limousine, she gently crouched down and placed her phone under the front tire then proceeded to the driver's window.

Claudia knocked lightly on the tinted window, till it was rolled down and she could clearly see her driver.

"Miss Frost what can I do for you?" The driver as politely.

"Hi Steve, I was just wondering if you could move the car forward a bit, I'm having trouble opening the door." A bright smile shaped her features as she heard the satisfying crunch of her phone shattering into smithereens under the tires. "Thanks, Steve." She beamed at him.

Logan swiftly made his way down the pathway of Charles's house, after Claudia had entered the limousine. Inside the limousine was dark with its tinted windows blocking out the sunlight, the interior decked out in black leather. Claudia relaxed against the firm chairs, already grabbing a bottle of champagne out of one of the ice buckets, and pouring herself a decent sized glass.

The door to the limousine opened again and a young man with jet, black hair stepped in, sitting opposite her. Claudia took note of the leather briefcase he had clutched to his side. Both of them stared at each other for a while, her blue eyes challenging his gray ones. The silence seemed to drone on before Claudia decided to speak up.

"Who in God's name are you?" She set her glass down, readjusting herself in her seat. Both intrigue and annoyance evident in her features.

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