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Connor decided Troye had to have a conversation about having kitties. A few things would have to change to accommodate them. When they talked, Connor told Troye about how they would be his responsibility if they were nekos. Depending on the amount of human they were, they would need to be raised different. Connor told Troye that the kitties would need be to breastféd no matter their genetic makeup, and that it was completely his responsibility. They would get cages together in another room for when they were old enough to be separated from their mother, Troye, and would be sold to trainers when old enough. Troye nodded, knowing he wouldn't want to give away his kitties, but knowing they would need to be trained and he couldn't handle it. "Nothing from your routine can change too much kitty. I know sometimes owners give their pets suppressants during and after their pregnancíes, but I will not allow it. You'll never have suppressants, you haven't yet and I'm not starting now I'm afraid you'll still get heats during the pregnancÿ and after. And you are still expected to keep the rules even with kitties. Blowjobš, séx, shaving, and cage time will happen throughout. The kitties can stay with you in the cage during cage time until they can go on their own. And you will not act out in front of them, we are not raising them to know of pets as more than humans."

"Yes daddy," Troye agreed, the kitties sounded like a lot of work but he wanted them, he wanted little kittens.

"Good baby, so good listening to daddy," Connor cooed as Troye was off in his own world, imagining kittens cuddling into him.

"So come on pet hands and knees now, let daddy fill your tight hole, let daddy breéd you like a bítch," Connor growled and Troye whined desperately, still hornÿ.

"My kitties my kitties my kitties" Troye whispered over and over as he moved over to the bed, crawling onto it. He shoved his face into the pillow and pushed his áss up, wiggling it in the air for Connor's pleasure. Connor gripped his thighs before pulling him to the edge of the bed, pillow coming with him. "You have to contain that tail, if it whips me in the face while I'm fücking you, you're getting a spankíng."

"Yes daddy," Troye whined at the idea of getting spankèd, he loved it when it was a little bit but when it was over and over until he was mewling in pain, then it wasn't so fun.

He had learned quickly that Connor wasn't in this for Troye's pleasure. If Troye were to whip him in the face with his tail, this fück he might get his kitties, but he wouldn't be in pleasure. Connor would avoid his prostatè, rock in too hard, hit his áss too hard to feel pleasure, the experience turning into one of pain without the pleasure. Connor would fück him even if he was no longer hard if he wasn't behaving. It wouldn't be the first time, and Troye knew it wouldn't be the last. He could use his safe word, but he knew that he would deserve the punishment and would never use the safe word when he knew he had disobeyed and needed punished.

So Troye made sure to keep his tail back and away from Connor as the dominant slowly rubbed Troye's áss cheeks. "If we want to keep the kitties in, you have to be tight, so no prep. I'll lubè up my dîck but no fingers. We want your hole to close back up once I've filled you" Connor explained as he lathered himself. Troye was worried, he'd never been fücked with no prep, he hadn't been fuckèd before given at least three fingers. He was scared. Connor wouldn't hurt his kitty when he hadn't done anything, would he? But that was the price of getting what he wanted.

"I'm sorry baby," Connors aid as he pushed in, making Troye let out a yelp and a whine, pain burning. "Daddy it hurts!" Troye cried out and Connor stopped, rubbing soothing circles on his back. But then his cöck hit Troye's prostaté and he let out a mewl of pleasure and the guilt went away as he made sure to keep hitting that spot, to make his baby get pleasure. He continued and Troye grew excited as he could tell by the harsher slaps of his ballś against his àss Connor was getting close, "Come on daddy, come in my àss, breèd me daddy!"

Daddy's Pet: Tronnor/TracobWhere stories live. Discover now