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Sakura Uchiha is eight months into her second pregnancy when the new house is finally finished.

Given the unpredictable nature of her – and her daughter's – temper, finding a place to live has been an effort. Most landlords and bankers make a run for it when they see the Uchiha coming, and in the end the best solution is simply to build anew.

The new house is much larger and much more structurally sound than the last one, Sakura saw to that.

Not herself, of course.

With Baby Number Two on the way, Sasuke has been uncharacteristically vocal about her not stressing herself unnecessarily. Considering she looks and feels like a whale this time around, and has the turning radius of one, she has half-heartedly given in to his demands.

Still, to ensure the building was properly reinforced, she sweet-talked Yamato-sensei (or rather, bribed him with her mother's baking) into being involved with the building process. Thanks to his wood-style mastery, the house's foundations reach deep enough underground that they can (probably) withstand any impromptu temper tantrums on Sakura's part.

The new place is also far more modern than the last, much to Sarada's joy and Sasuke's protest.

"We don't need a whole room just for eating," he pointed out when he saw the design plans. "It's a waste of space."

"Next you'll be telling me an extra room for the baby is a waste and he should just sleep with us until he's ten," Sakura rolled her eyes. Upon seeing her husband open his mouth to probably say just that, she cut him off, "Baby or not, I get emergency calls to the hospital at night. I will not disrupt his sleep if I have to go out, it won't be good for his development." When Sasuke again opened his mouth to protest, she went on, "And don't suggest he sleep in Sarada's room, because she has missions to go on. I want her rested, not sleep deprived from a colicky baby."

"You don't know if he'll be colicky," Sasuke reminded her, a minor note of sulk in his voice. "Sarada never had colic."

"And all babies are different. We could end up with one who screams for three years just for the fun of it."

"If we do, those would be the genes from your side of the family."

"And if he walks around with a permanently constipated look on his face, that'll be a trait from your side of the family."

Sasuke made a face, but didn't bring up another argument, and that was the end of the conversation.

It's a mark of how far they've come that comments like that no longer send him into a furious rage. Those years he spent in search of himself have given him at least some insight into his own past. He's been very firm about not repeating many of the practices from before the Uchiha massacre because of them.

Apparently that doesn't cross over into being comfortable in the Leaf's more modern setting, however.

Sakura privately thinks technology makes her husband nervous, but she'll never say as much out loud.

Sasuke grew up in a much more traditional, Spartan home than Sakura did. The vast majority of his youth was spent either in underground caves or wandering the wide world without contemporary conveniences. Their daughter, however, was raised with as many modern comforts as Sakura remembers having, and as many of the new technology as she can afford to have.

Sasuke mostly does a good job of affecting detachment; unless Sarada throws a fit because her internet speed isn't as fast as she needs it to be. Then, he'll either beat a hasty retreat or grouse that any information she needs could just as easily be found at a library.

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