Chapter 10- Professors

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The next day....

Draco's POV

Beep beep beep! Beep beep beep!

My alarm jerks me awake the next morning. I open my eyes to find Hermione pointing her wand at my alarm clock. With a simple Silencing Charm, my alarm stops ringing. I groan and roll over, closing my eyes. I try to go back to sleep, but then Hermione shakes me awake.

"Draco, come on!" Hermione says, sounding excited. "We'll miss the train if you sleep any longer!"

That's when it hits me. I jump out of bed and hurriedly get dressed. She laughs at me, already dressed. I shoot her a glare and grab our trunks. She grabs my arm and we apparate to King's Cross.

When we appear with a faint pop, I immediately see the barrier for the Hogwarts Express. Hermione and I walk swiftly to the barrier and lean casually against it, as if to talk.

Once we slip through the barrier, unnoticed, we turn around to see the Hogwarts Express waiting for us.

I stare. "This brings back memories of our student days, doesn't it babe?"

She doesn't answer. I turn and see her staring in shock. "Harry!" she squeals, running towards him.

He catches her and kisses her cheek, then sees me. "How are you, 'Mione?"

"Never better. Have you heard?"

"Heard what?"

"Professor McGonagall asked us to co-teach the House Unity class. I'm also going to be taking post as Tranfiguration teacher."

"That's awesome! I'll be teaching Defense against the Dark Arts."

"You do remember that the job is..." her voice trails off.

"Jinxed? Yeah, I know. But Professor McGonagall wants to see if the jinx is gone now that Voldemort is dead. If it is, I'm going to keep teaching it. If not, I'll go back to being an Auror. I won't be getting any training, thanks to the jinx. But I won't need it, considering what we've been through."

"Oh, ok. Let's get on the train before we miss it."

We agree with her and board the train, luggage in hand. Hermione leads us to an empty compartment. I sit down at the window and stare as I remember my first day boarding this train, bound for Hogwarts. So I don't notice when Hermione sits down beside me. That is, until she kisses me on the cheek.

"Draco? You alright?" she asks.

"Yeah," I say as I peck her on the lips.

"You just seemed lost in thought. May I ask what you were thinking about?"

I smile. "Of course I'll tell you, love."

She smiles, blushing as Harry clears his throat. I send a light-hearted glare his way. Then I notice why he cleared his throat. Ron Weasley is staring into the compartment, looking rather angry. I brush it off, but I see he's giving me a look that says it all.

That's when Hermione turns to see why I'm staring out the compartment, looking scared when she sees Ron. I watch him as she buries her head in my chest. He only gets angrier when I wrap my arms protectively around her. I glance at Harry. He gets my message and gets up, saying he'll deal with Ron.

He opens the compartment door and takes Ron with him. I watch them walk away, feeling angry and protective. It takes all my self-control not to go after them. I know what that would lead to, and Hermione doesn't need all that.

I've been so engrossed in watching them that it surprises me when Hermione starts crying into my shirt, shaking. I rub her back soothingly and kiss the crown of her head.

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