The morning dawned ...

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The sun peeked through the watery clouds, bathing the room in a pale glow. Heat streamed from the flames cracking in the wood heater set in the middle of the small, tidy room. My bed lay close to the fire, and the warmth of the flames radiated down my spine. Slowly i opened my eyes and stretched luxuriously. I could hear mum clattering with the nights dishes, and the aroma of a strong brewing cup of tea assailed my nostrils. Boy, that smelt good! I got up, stretched again, and slowly sashayed over to mum, wagging my tail and backside with every move. As I looked at mums face, my heart lurched. She looked really tired this morning. Mum always worked so hard, she worked way too hard! There were blue shaddows under her eyes, like small bruises, but her beautiful face lit with a radiant smile when she saw me. I looked behind me but my brothers and sisters were all still fast asleep and snoring. I looked back at mum. Yep, how lucky i was, that smile was just for me. I wiggled my backside and my tail a bit more and I smiled back at mum, putting on my sweetest face. Maybe she might give me some of that divine banana that i could smell was ripening nicely on the bench. Mum crouched down and gave me a scratch and i stretched again and closed my eyes in bliss as her hands scratched up and down my back. Mum patted my head and I nudged mum in the leg to see if she could give me more of a scratch. Please please please can I have some of that banana, i thought. I gave mum a kiss and a nibble on her chin, and gazed at her with my soulful chocolate brown eyes. I tried to make myself look hungry and pitiful. Mum smiled at me and gave me a hug and stood up again and started washing the dishes. So, no banana this morning, I thought sourly. I wondered up to my water bowl and sniffed it disdainfully. That Lacey, she left floaters in the water again. Oh well, I was thirsty and there was nothing else. Surprisingly the water felt cool and refreshing as it slipped down my parched throat. I lifted my head to listen carefully as I heard the clock dong, and as I counted, it only donged 7 times. What! 7 o'clock in the morning? You must be kidding! It's winter and it is freezing outside, i should still be in bed. I slowly walked back to my bed, leaving a trail of water droplets glittering like diamonds on the lino. I crawled onto the soft, fluffy blankets and snuggled up to my sister. Well I kind of sat on top of her, because she was hogging the bed as usual! I need more room than her, even mum says I am such a big boy. The sun felt warmer now, and streamed through the window. My back felt nice and warm, and my eyes started feeling heavy. I struggled to see mum now, and could hear nothing about food, so I closed my eyes, and in a heartbeat I was snoring, dreaming of eating that banana, and I would not share it with anyone this time.

A Winters Day for Master PugWhere stories live. Discover now