Trapped (ch. 1)

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I woke up this morning locked behind bars. How did I get here? I don't know. I'm laying on a rock solid, wooden bed with nails coming out of it in various places. The slab of wood I'm laying on is 3 feet above the metal ground and there is a broken ladder coming down from the bed. I sit up and look around my cell. Sitting in front of me was a note pad. I opened the book, hoping to find some sort of explanation. Every page was blank except the first page. It read: "This book will act as your journal while your here. Write down everything." The note was signed "Anonymous". Below the writing are pictures. After much thinking, I figured out what the pictures were. The first picture was three stick figures, then a light switch with the switch flipped up, then a picture of earth. Then there was a picture of a remote, then three stick figures, then a light switched up, and then another picture of earth. Again there was a picture of a remote and it repeated the same pattern 5 more times. At the end in parentheses was (etc). I had no idea what any of this meant. I was also confused why I was put in a chamber with a notebook that said to write down what was happening to me in here. Am I being used as a test subject? Am i being watched? I finally decided that writing in this notebook is the only thing that will keep me occupied and sane.


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