Chapter 1

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Azae’s Point of View

“She’s awake,” I hear someone say urgently.

The sound of scurrying feet fills the space around me. I open my eyes and blink a few times as I take in the sight of the three worried faces that are surrounding me. I’m lying in the middle of a soft bed with a blanket thrown over me. Three pairs of anxious eyes stare down at me.

“Hello,” I mumble with a small smile and they all launch themselves at me with eased laughter and relieved groans.

I wince and gasp a little as they hug me and they back off immediately with hurried and profuse apologies. I chuckle and wave them off as I sit up. Noticing the bandages that wrap my arms all the way up my shoulders and continuing down under my shirt, onto my chest, back, and stomach, I look up thankfully at them.

Glancing out a window, I see that it is nighttime still.

The little female looks at me questioningly and asks, “You remember who we all are right?”

I roll my eyes with a chuckle and point at the big guy sitting on the left side of the bed, “Human name, Brandon Paragev: a rather intimidating brute due to his size, but more of a teddy bear when you get to know him. Thick, dark, brown hair. Caucasian, tall and broad, with one bad knee. His most used name, Fuji: the big black wolf with the yellow eyes and the chicken fetish. He also has a thing for apples.” Fuji laughs and pulls out an apple; taking a large bite with a grin.

Next I point to the short, dainty girl who’s lounging casually at the foot of the bed, “Human name, Jillian Tunark: a wee lass who looks harmless at first glance, but has a feisty temper when provoked. Thick black and purple hair with purple eyes. Short and slender with a build like a porcelain doll. Little sister of Alexander Tunark. Fondly known as, Kavita Rae Songbird: the little black kitten with big purple eyes and the habit of ruffling people’s hair. She’s a magic user, and although I’m not fully studied in magic, I believe she uses runes. She’s got a thing for bowties and Mr. Wolfykins over there.” I say the last bit with a wink and a glance over at Fuji who rolls his eyes at the nickname and squeezes Kavita’s hand slightly.

Finally I point to the tall, lanky guy who’s sitting cross-legged on the right side of the bed, “Human name, Alexander Tunark: a guy who keeps to himself except for when he’s around his best buds and mostly goes by Alex. Big brother of Jillian Tunark. Shaggy blonde hair with eyes that change from blue to green. Tall and very skinny, but thinks he’s a boss. Most often known as Rodent: the large marten/porcupine/rodent that has spikes all over and has no real species name. He’s got a thing for video games and annoying me by saying the word “groovy”.”

I stick my tongue out at Rodent and we all laugh. Then, Kavita holds up her hand, which silences the others, and pointing at me, puts on a serious face. “Now Miss Smarty-Pants. Do you remember who you are?”

I roll my eyes with a grin and with great exaggeration, point to myself, “I am Autumn Halvard: first name Gretchen, and middle name Autumn. I am short and, in my opinion, rather chunky,” they all roll their eyes and chuckle, “Thick, long, black hair with purple tips and blue streaks. Eyes the color of liquid gold. Otherwise known as Azae Luna Skular; the twenty foot tall, purple and blue dragon who breathes fire, has six inch long fangs, huge iridescent purple wings, deadly claws, golden catlike eyes, and three missing scales. Two thanks to a certain someone,” I glare over at Fuji who shoots me a devilish grin, “and another gone because of a fight with another dragon, which dear Kavita happened to witness. I am capable of telepathic communication, and I have a habit of knocking over trees when I try to wag my tail like Fuji. I’m an inexperience magic user, but I’m getting the hang of it. I also have a bad habit of dumping people off of my back when they are flying with me. Oh, and I also like to sit on people when I’m in dragon form.”

I finish my spiel with a huff and they all start to laugh at me. I growl menacingly but smile; revealing my sharpened incisors. I stretch my arms above my head and arch my back inward slightly. Fuji and Rodent both take the opportunity to poke me in the ticklish places on my sides. I squeak slightly with indignation and jerk my arms back down, wincing from being so sore.  

Kavita chuckles at their silliness and then sighs, “It’s good to have you back, Dragon.”

I smile warmly, “It’s good to be back.”

With a hand up from Rodent I get out of bed and we all saunter out to the main part of the cabin. Kavita shifts into her kitten form and hops lightly onto the mantelpiece of the fireplace, sweeping away some of the dust with her tail. The rain has since stopped and rays of sunlight filter through the still-wet windows. Fuji shoves a few more logs into the fire and disappears into the kitchen. Rodent sits down on the rug and shifts into his animal form; the crazy spikes and fur poking out in all directions. I chortle deep in my throat as my dragonish side tries to come out. Sadly, I restrain myself, knowing that if I shift in here, I won’t fit and I’ll knock the cabin down. I sit down on my worn-out leather, beanbag chair and cross my legs under me. Fuji returns in his wolf form with an apple, his tongue lolling out of the side of his mouth as he grins puckishly. I look longingly at them as my skin tingles with the want to shift. I dig my long, black-painted nails into my palms and concentrate on the pain instead of the want.

Kavita looks over at me and notices my discomfort. Her loud purring stops and she jumps down from the mantelpiece. Trotting over to a large quilted blanket, she takes the bottom of it in her teeth and gives it a yank. Fuji gets up with a grunt, licking the apple juice from his muzzle, and paws the blanket down easily, revealing a vast empty room. Rodent shakes his head with a chuckle and Kavita hops onto Fuji’s back with a pleased purr.

“What’s that?” I ask, gesturing towards the huge room.

“That would be yours, so you’re not feeling so left out,” Fuji says with a yellow-eyed wink.

The realization hits me and I slowly stand up and walk towards the room; dumbfounded and giddy with excitement. As I enter the room I run my fingertips along the wall. The ceiling is at least thirty feet high, the width is enough for two dragons, and the length is far enough to fully stretch out. Multiple rugs cover the hard floor; providing a lovely cushion.

I look back in astonishment, “This is for me?”

They all grin back at me and I laugh out loud; my laugh deepening into a rumble. I begin to shift and change into my dragon form. My clothes and bandages melting away into diamond-hard purple and blue scales. The muscles in my legs, arms, and chest, hardening and broadening.

Folding my wings against my back; I back up farther into the large room and give them all a toothy smile as they look up at me. I chuckle deep in my throat and lie down, resting my head on my forearms.

“Much better,” I hum happily.

“You look a lot happier that way,” Rodent observes with a smile.

“Believe me, I am,” I say with a smile as I roll over onto my back.

Fuji rolls a few more logs into the fire with his broad snout and saunters over to me. Kavita still nestled between his shoulders, nuzzles the fur at the back of his neck and he hops up onto my stomach, Rodent not far behind. Kavita hops off of Fuji’s back and they all start to run around, rubbing their claws on my stomach, knowing it tickles. I growl playfully at them and scoop the three of them up gently in my clawed hands.

I roll over onto my side and set them down beside me, curling my tail around all of us and resting my large head next to them, watching them with one large, golden eye. I spread one of my wings over them like a big purple tent and they curl up next to me. Kavita nestles into Fuji’s side as he nestles into mine; he puts a protective paw on her side. Rodent also curls up into my side, but pauses and gives me a worried look; I nod my head at him to let him know that his spikes won’t do me any harm. With a relieved and grateful glance he rests his head on his soft paws and closes his eyes. I smile at them as they drift into the dream world, and I in turn close my eyes.

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