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"What are you doin my love ?"

It's been three weeks since Zayn and Kay have last seen each other and let's just say they're both sleep deprived

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It's been three weeks since Zayn and Kay have last seen each other and let's just say they're both sleep deprived. It was raining today and that made Kay want to stay in her bed even more knowing that if she opened her eyes she would probably cry.

Zayn on the other has been avoiding the situation instead of being somber he's been channeling all these sad feeling towards his new song he's working on. His friends think he's going crazy because he's basically living in his studio never wanting to leave because he knew that if he did he would have to see Kay's beautiful face over the walls of his house .

But today was different because Zayn finally decided to make things right between him and his lover.

Zayn still had the key to Kay's place so he quietly went into the petite woman's house tip toeing up the stairs till he finally reached her room.

He peeked through the door her whole body was hidden buried underneath the sheets. So Zayn being Zayn had decided to take off his shoes and shirt and slip under the warm sheets being very quiet so she that she wouldn't wake up.

But Kay wasn't dumb , she knew he was here because of his heavy breathing he does every time he tries to be sneaky. It was one of the many qualities she loved about Zayn. So Kay being Kay had decided to absentmindedly scoot her body towards the warmth he was giving.

Zayn smiled watching as Kay curled her tiny body underneath Zayn smiling when she felt his arm wrap around her , and in that moment Zayn knew he was forgiven.

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