Mission 10,786,239: Sector 1, Planet 1

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Shadow's POV

"Head Commander, Princess Zoelara Skia Moonblade, code name Shadow, please report to the office of Lord Chaos, creator of the Koros, King of the universes," a robotic, monotone voice spoke from the speakers around the castle.

I growled as my full name was spoken. I flashed to my father's office door and stomped in. "First off, you better tell that stupid secretary of yours not to call me by my full name ever again, unless she wants her gods forsaken head ripped off her shoulders!" I hissed out. Said secretary paled and stepped behind my father. "Second off, what was so important that I had to skip my training session with my Elite warriors? Third, why is Omega here?" I asked, gesturing to my second in command.

My father sighed and handed me a file with the word MISSION on it in red, capital letters, like in the spy movies. I raised an eyebrow at him, as if to say really. He shrugged his shoulders sheepishly and spoke.

"One of our many allies has requested our help in their upcoming war. Normally, I would decline, but the enemy," my father trailed off. For the first time in 27 millennium, my father looked terrified. "The enemy is rather powerful," he finished.

"Where is the mission?" Omega asked.

Chaos gestured for me to open the file, his face pale and sickly. "The mission is in Sector One. Planet One," he spoke, his voice scratchy.

I frowned and I felt blood rush to my face in anger. "Earth," I said bitterly. "The one place to which I never wanted to return."

Omega's mouth fell agape. He stood there flabbergasted, as the information registered in his mind. His eyes, a beautiful, ocean green, darkened to the color of the stormy sea with anger. His fangs, which he got on one of our more dangerous missions over the past 9 million years, shot out of his gums and the edges of his irises took on a reddish tint.

"You mean to tell me," he started, his voice dangerously low. "that I will be returning to the place that banished me from the only safe haven I had on Earth? You mean to tell me that I will be returning to the place that betrayed me, the place where my heart was broken, the place I worked to save for five years, only to be cast away in the end? You mean to tell me that I will be returning to the very place the person I loved framed me for treason, out of context?" His voice rose with each new question he asked.

Fire, white with fury, erupted around his body and shot out throughout the office, destroying many items kept there. The walls, built with metal from the Void itself, the only metal stronger than Chaos metal, contained the fire.

Resistant to the fire, I approached Omega. Grabbing his face, I kissed him. Immediately, he ceased his fire. He gripped my head, tangling his fingers in my hair, and kissed me back roughly. I sensed my father shake his head and felt the sensation of being flashed somewhere. As soon as my feet touched the ground, I knew we were in my room, because I could feel the power I had charged into the walls to keep unwanted visitors out.

Percy continued to ravage my lips as he let out all of his emotions into the kiss. When he finally pulled away, I noticed his eyes had fully turned blood red, which meant he needed to feed.

Okay, let me explain. During our 700th or so mission, Percy got captured by a bunch of all powerful vampires we were sent to destroy. To make a long story short, he was bitten. I had managed to burn the other vampires before his transformation was complete and I took him back to the house we had been staying in.

When he did wake up, his eyes were blood red and he was going crazy, as newborns normally do.

Eventually, I calmed him down by kissing him full on the lips, as I had dreamed of doing since I met him in Camp Half Hell.

When we had broken apart, his eyes flashed sea green for a few moments, during which he told me he loved me. We became a couple ever since. Of course, his eyes had flashed blood red again after that, and I had to let him feed from me before he tore down the entire planet. Ever since then, he's preferred my blood to anyone else's.

Turns out, I'm also his Beloved, which is pretty much a vampire's soulmate. So that worked out too.

Anyhow, back to the present.

I winced slightly as his razor sharp fangs entered my neck. I felt blood drain slightly from my body, my immortal form instantly replenishing the blood as it was lost. After a few gulps of my blood, I felt Percy's fangs retract from my neck and his tongue flick over the wounds, washing away the excess blood and sealing the punctures.

I shuddered slightly as he kissed up my neck before planing his lips on mine. I kissed him back, moving my lips against his. He slipped his tongue into my mouth and explored ever corner.

After a moment of two, I pulled back. "You know this doesn't change anything right? We still have to go."

He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "I know. I don't want to go back. There are so many memories there, of me and her and of everyone else. I just don't know if I can handle it," he said, his eyes filled with anguish.

I placed my hand on his cheek and forced him to look at me. "You are the strongest person I know, figuratively and literally. I know they hurt you and I know you'll probably never forgive them. But I know you and I know you will make it through this. And besides, no one said you have to speak to them," I reassured him.

He smiled at me. "Good Chaos, what would I do without you?"

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