ONE - Collision

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The sounds of the collision was deafening.  Loud enough to send a sharp pain down into your skull, with a rumble that shook your bones.  Steven wouldn't have realized or felt this. If he was feeling anything, it was mass hysteria.  Being in a pile-up car incident would leave anyone weak at the mind.  Multiple good Samaritans surrounded his vehicle and the others around it, hoping to rescue any survivors.

He was dragged out of his turned over vehicle and pulled off to the side of the road.   There were multiple people with a higher need of urgent care.  It wasn't long before it was just him propped up on the sidewalk as others raced back over to the pile-up, multiple cars now sporting smoke and flames as if it was a new popular style.  He was physically moving slow, but mentally he wasn't taking breaks.  His mind was racing, having a near death experience makes you think.

Everything in his mind came to a halt when the thought of his fellow passengers came.  With perfect timing, Steven notices his saviors pulling his mother out of his vehicle, she was safe.  It was clear she wasn't conscious, but what mattered was that she was living.  This was temporary relief though, his mother wasn't the only passenger.  Steven scanned over the car from where he was sitting in search of any sight of his younger brother.  When he was able figure out which window his brother should have been behind before the incident, it seemed as if time froze around him.  

All that was visible to Steven from his current position, to the window, was a shoulder with a patch labeled Troop 3762.  That, a smashed door frame surrounded by glass on the ground, and a lot of blood.  It wasn't hard for Steven to figure out why no one was helping what he assumed was his brother out of the vehicle.  What was in that back passenger seat was no longer his brother, it was a corpse.  It was harder to realize that.  If he was closer to the vehicle, that would've been a whole lot more clear.  He might've gotten closer too, but instead Steven blacked out.

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