January 1, 2016 (1)

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Dear diary,

         At the end of every year, most people will make themselves a New Years resolution. And every year, that New Years resolution will not be achieved. Maybe for about a month or so, their resolution will be going strong. Maybe, their resolution is to lose some weight. Well, for maybe a couple of months they'll be doing everything right. They'll be working out, eating right and all that stuff so, they'll be losing weight but, everybody knows, a couple months later and it'll all go to waste. They'll start by taking little breaks between their workouts. They'll maybe skip a day or two and say "Don't worry I'll do it tomorrow." Well tomorrow will come around and their workout won't be done. They'll lose their good habit of a daily workout and soon they'll just stop working out in general. Then, they'll stop eating right and they will gain the weight all back. And most important of all, their New Years resolution was lost during all of this. It was forgotten long ago.

          You see, nobody actually achieves their goals. But, this year I plan to change all of that.

          My 2016 New Years resolution is to write in my diary at least once a week. Since I really have nobody to talk to, I want to keep all of my feelings, emotions, and thoughts all in this diary. So diary, you'll be my best friend for the rest of the year.

          And on December 31, 2016 at exactly 11:59 pm I will throw this diary in the fireplace and watch it burn. That way, I'll know that all my secrets will be safe. Forever.

Yours truly,
Kelsey James

* * *
This chapter is dedicated to ilovepizaaaa

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