Louis Lactose Intolerance

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Louis had never been bothered too much by his lactose intolerance. It was something he'd lived with ever since the young age of 3, so he knew what foods to steer clear of to avoid tummy troubles. Truth be told, he didn't really care much for ice cream or milk anyways. His lactose intolerance rarely caused problems, seeing as Louis was generally good at avoiding dairy, that is until the day that he made a huge mistake.....
The boys had a three day break from their tour, and decided to really live it up, and entertain the fans a bit by doing various popular and crazy YouTube challenges! All was fine and dandy until they decided to do the gallon challenge.... the gallon of milk... challenge. Louis obviously didn't want to skip out on this one, he being the craziest of the lads.
"Lou..." Liam warned, as he and Louis grabbed the milk from the back end of the grocery store, "Are you sure you want to do this? What with your lactose intolerance and all?"
Louis rolled his eyes, "Positive! I've seen this challenge hundreds of times before and everyone ends up getting sick, so I figure it couldn't get worse than that anyway. You'll all be puking right along beside me!" He chuckled.
"You really don't believe you'll be at all worse off than us? Even in the slightest?" Liam was clearly worried.
Louis groaned, "Nope!" He replied popping the 'p'. "From what I've seen the milk comes up pretty much just as quick as it goes down, therefore..." he paused for a dramatic effect, "the lactose won't have time to mess with my system." He grinned, clearly proud of his well thought through conclusion.
Liam nodded, and worriedly nibbled on the inside of his cheek as they made their way through self checkout and out to the van. He wasn't going to press Louis any further on the issue, after all he was a 24 year old man who could make his own decisions. He just hoped Louis was right, and wouldn't be in any severe pain... but he wasn't too sure that'd be the case.
"Maybe you shouldn't do this Lou," Harry cautioned as the four men walked out to the middle of an empty grass field, milk jugs in hand.
"Nonsense!" Louis retorted, with a sassy wave of his hand.
"I dunno, maybe Harry here's right." Niall cut in, "But if yeh really wanna do it, could you at least use some Almond milk or somet'ing? I t'ink we have some in t'e mini fridge."
Louis groaned in protest, "That wouldn't have the same effect!"
"Dat's the point mate!" Niall replied.
"Well I don't care. I'm doing this challenge with you and none of you can stop me!" Louis huffed, leading the boys toward a nice spot, shaded by a large tree. The other three boys glanced at each other wearily, hoping all turned out well for their friend.

"Hurry up lads! You're soooo slow!!" Louis called, sitting cross-legged on the grass, a milk jug in his lap, having already reached their destination.
Liam chuckled and called out to the impatient boy, "Keep your pants on mate! We're coming!"
About a minute later they reached the tree that Louis had excitedly ran ahead to.
Harry set up the camera and gave the boys a thumbs up, letting them know it was on record.
"Alright, ready lads?" Niall asked, removing the cap from his milk jug.
They all nodded eagerly, doing the same.
"K then, on three. One... two... three!"
And with that it began.
About a quarter way through his jug, Louis felt a small pain is his stomach. He paused, and placed a hand on his tummy as it gurgled. He wasn't worried though, as chugging milk would have that effect on anyone. He applied a little pressure to his belly and let out a burp, before continuing to chug the milk.
Niall was the next to let out a loud belch, having already chugged twice as much as Louis. He grinned proudly and gulped down more milk.
Soon enough, all the boys were starting to feel the effects of the milk, and Harry was the first to let it go. He bent over, hands on his knees, and let out a nauseous burp, followed by a spew of vomit that shot from his mouth. He groaned frowning down at the jug not wanting to consume any more milk.
"Giving up Haz?" Niall asked with a hiccup.
Harry nodded, not wanting to vomit again, knowing he would if he drank more milk.
Niall laughed, and continued chugging, occasionally being interrupted by a burp or hiccup.
Meanwhile, Liam victoriously downed his milk. He was well ahead of the other two, having drank three quarters of his gallon. He hadn't been sick yet, but he could tell it was coming. His stomach let out a loud rumble, causing the other boys to turn toward him just as he was about to puke. He shamelessly vomited straight milk and hurried back to the task at hand. He was determined to finish before Niall.
Niall heard Liam's tummy groan, and knew what was going to happen. Suddenly feeling very competitive, Niall seized this opportunity to get ahead of the older boy, and started drinking double time. This action of course caused him to puke as well.
Louis on the other hand, was quite a bit behind the others, seeing as he was only a little over half finished. He was certainly feeling the pain of the milk filling his small tummy, but hadn't been sick yet. He actually hadn't had any relief since his small burp at the beginning. He continued to chug, hoping to vomit soon, so his belly could be relieved...
Liam and Niall had just finished, Liam beating Niall by a near couple of seconds... much to Niall's dismay. Liam was never going to let him live that one down. Ever. They each barfed once more, relieving their full stomachs, before turning to watch Louis.
Louis groaned as he chugged the last bit of milk. He still hadn't been sick as he'd anticipated he would've long ago. He proudly chucked the empty jug on the ground, ignoring the searing pain in his lower stomach.
Niall slapped him on the back, "Wow Lou. Guess we underestimated yeh. Yeh may've finished last, but somehow yeh managed to do it without throwin' up. Gotta hand it to yeh mate, I'd say yer the real winner 'ere."
Harty nodded in agreeement, "Pretty impressive Lou. You sure you're lactose intolerant?" He joked.
Louis laughed along, wiping a bit of sweat from his forehead, pretending he was feeling fine, when in reality his belly felt as if it was on fire, not to mention it was also very bloated and felt rather tight in against his jeans, and he wanted nothing more than to curl up in his bed and sleep the pain away. He of course couldn't let the boys know this, for two reasons. 1- He would no longer be the "winner". And more importantly reason number 2, the boys would be all smug and endlessly fill his ears with the words, he hated most, I told you so. For the second reason alone, Louis acted as if all was well, even when in truth he felt like absolute death.
The boys had decided the gallon challenge would be their last activity of the day, and headed back to the hotel to have a movie night (much to Louis' relief, he wanted nothing more than to lie down), seeing as they were all pretty knackered out.
Immediately upon arriving at the hotel, Louis painfully rushed to his room to change his tight jeans to some cozy sweats. He sighed in relief as he tugged off his black skinny jeans. He slipped on his gray joggers and lay down on his bed. He whined and removed his shirt as his poor tummy gurgled and groaned. He still hadn't been able to release any of the pressure in his belly. He hadn't burped, farted, of anything. The need to release was absolutely killing him, but we was miserably unable to do so. He rubbed his bare stomach, sweat dripping from his forehead, as he debated on whether or not he should tell the lads, seeing as his pain was getting to be unbearable, but before he had come to a conclusion, Niall barged into the room shouting.
"Hey Lou hurry u-" Niall immediately softened his tone when he Louis, drenched in sweat, white as a ghost, with shaky hands on his bloated little belly, "Louis are you alright?"
Louis shook his head sadly. "I should've listened to you, I think it's my lactose intolerance coming back to bite me." He squeaked.
Niall nodded his head, holding back the urge to say 'I told you so,' seeing as Louis already looked so miserable. "Aw Lou." He cooed, feeling so bad for the boy, "Your poor tummy is so swollen."
Louis blinked back his tears, "It hurts so bad."
"I know." He whispered.
"I can't get any relief Ni," Louis continued, rather embarrassed, but he was desperate for help at this point, "I haven't been able to puke, or burp or anything... I just want that milk out. It's so painful."
"Why don't you come join the lads and I? We're going to watch the Hunger Games and you can come lay down, and we'll see what we can do to help you. Does that sound alright?"
Louis shook his head weakly.
"Why not?" Niall asked, wrapping an arm around his friend.
"Hurts.. to.. move..." Louis hissed as the pain intensified.
"I'll carry you then." Niall scooped the small man up in his arms and carried him out to the living space, "Can't leave yeh sufferin' in der all alone."
"Thanks Niall." Louis whimpered, as Niall laid him across the couch placing the brunette's head in his lap.
"What's wrong with Lou?" Liam asked after popping the DVD in the player.
"I t'ink it's his lactose intolerance." Niall replied sadly.
"Oh it definitely is!" Louis cut in, raising his hand in the air. Despite not feeling well, the young man still had some attitude.
Niall chuckled dryly, "He says he hasn't been able to relieve his stomach." He continued.
Liam made his way over to the couch and lifted Louis' legs a bit as his stomach made an audible, miserable sounding gurgle. Liam sat down and placed Louis' legs in his lap. "What should we do?"
Niall shrugged his shoulders, "Maybe some stomach relaxers?"
Liam nodded, just as Harry walked in to the room, hair damp, as he was freshly out of the shower.
"Hey guys- whoa Lou!" He exclaimed noticing Louis' sick countenance. "What's wrong? You okay?"
"No." He choked, "It was that stupid milk."
Harry nodded his head understanding.
Liam proceeded to explain Louis' condition. "I was actually just about to call for you to get him some stomach relaxers." He finished.
"Well I'm not sure stomach relaxers are the best option in this situation Li..." Harry began.
"Why?" Niall cut in, "He needs something Haz! Look he's so miserable and-"
Harry raised a hand to stop Niall's rambling, "Hear me out lads. He's lactose intolerant. He needs that milk out of his system. He's probably got lots of air bubbles in there too," he continued, glancing down at Louis' slightly raised tummy, "the stomach relaxers will make him feel a bit better, but they won't do the job."
"What are you suggesting then?" Louis asked, joining the conversation.
"What we need to do is apply some pressure. That way your body will first release the extra air, then you will be able to rid yourself the dairy."
Niall and Liam nodded in agreement, seeing as that seemed to make sense.
Harry moved Louis' legs so he could sit between Niall and Liam, with Louis' middle on his lap.
"This may hurt a bit Lou." Harry warned, "But you'll feel so much better after." He promised.
Louis merely nodded, as the pain grew more intense.
Harry started gentle, to ease Louis into the feeling, and softly pressed his hand on his tight belly. Louis groaned in pain, but didn't protest, seeing as this was going to be his only way of receiving relief. Harry felt for where the boy was most bloated, his lower abdomen, and started applying more pressure there. He could feel the air and milk swirling in Louis' tummy under his large hand. After a while of hard pressure, and lots of stomach gurgles, Louis was finally able to release some air. Only it didn't happen the way the boys thought it would... The boys were beginning to worry this wasn't going to work as it had been several minutes and Louis hadn't let anything out. Not even a tiny burp, and he was absolutely writhing in pain. Harry let out an exasperated sigh and pressed the heel of his hand into Louis' tummy, hard, just above his belly button. Louis' let out a pained moan, which was immediately followed by a large release of air. Only it didn't come out in a burp as the boys had thought it would, it came out in a loud, disgusting fart. Louis' buried his head in his hands, cheeks flushed with embarrassment.
The boys couldn't deny that it absolutely reeked, and that they would've much rather have had him burp, but seeing the embarrassment on the poor lad's face and knowing how much he needed to let it out saddened the boys.
Niall pried Louis' hands from his red face, "Don't be embarrassed Lou. I bet that feels so much better now, doesn't it?"
Louis still felt a bit humiliated, but that fart really had felt so good. He nodded slightly as Harry applied more pressure to his still bloated belly. Causing him to let out a series of small farts. Each one relieving him more and more. After about fifteen minutes of Louis having pressure induced gas, he realized he needed a toilet, and quick!
Harry was about to press down more onto Louis' tummy when Louis grabbed his wrist, "Don't." He nearly shouted, bolting upright, knowing if Harry applied more pressure, more than just air would escape.
"Yeh alright mate?" Niall called after the boy as he painfully hobbled to the bathroom.
"I'm fine!" Louis called back slamming the door behind himself.
Poor Louis spent an hour in the bathroom, painfully releasing his bowels.
Sure, it hurt, but it felt so good for him to get the dairy out of his body. After having his long bout of the runs, Louis was sweaty and exhausted. He took a quick shower and headed out to the boys. His tummy still felt weak and sore, but it was much less bloated and wasn't in near as much pain as before.
"Hey, you were in there quite a while. You alright?" Liam asked, scooting over, making room for Louis between him and Niall on the couch. Liam wrapped his arm around him and he rested his head on Niall's shoulder enjoying the comfort of 2 of his best friends.
"I'm doin' better. Thanks for helping me guys. I know that was probably pretty gross."
"Hey what're friends for?" Harry replied, reaching across Niall and rubbing Louis' thigh, "Just promise me one thing?"
Louis nodded for him to go on, "Sure, what?"
"No more milk!" Harry chuckled.
"Oh I can definitely promise that!" Louis laughed.

Thanks for reading!! Hope you liked it! Please please comment requests!! Remember I do friendship fluff between the boys and y/n only. I don't write smut or gay famfics. Much love everyone 😍 I'll also write about zayn if it's requested

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