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*One Day After Isadora's Arrival* AKA TWO DAYS LATER

Riley walks home from school, exhausted. She hadn't listen to any teachers. Who could blame her? Today was the day he had died. Lucas Friar was an important part of Riley, but he had left her and it wasn't something that he wanted to do. He had passed away due to heart cancer. Everyone mourned his death, he was loved by everyone. The doctors had said that his days were counted and he made the best of it, many things involved Riley. She was his true love.

Is it right for me to move on? Riley thought, asking anyone inside her head.

Riley, it's right for you to move on. You deserve happiness. She recognized that voice immediately, it was Lucas'.

Lucas! I miss you so much! How are you?

I'm great, I met so many old family members. I couldn't give you happiness, let someone else.

It wasn't your fault. Lucas, I love you with all my heart. You will always have a place in my heart, no matter what.

I love you too Riley, but you have to move on. If you loved me as much as I know you do, you would move on. I want to see you happy and no matter what, I will be protecting you from up here.

Thank you Lucas.

Riley continued walking, happy she had that conversation with him. A weight was lifted off her shoulders, she didn't have to worry about feeling something special for another boy, without remembering their relationship. She arrived at the apartment complex and took the elevator to her home. Once she entered, she saw Iz on the phone. Riley closed the door and Isadora saw her.

"I'll call you later Farkle." Riley stiffens up at the sound of his name. Riley hadn't talked to him since Isadora's arrival. Riley didn't want to feel awkward.

"Hey Riley." She said softly, knowing that Riley was fragile today.

"Hi Isadora, how was your day?"

"Nothing, but tears. I called Farkle, he helped me calm down." Riley nods.

"I'm going to change, we'll be leaving in a bit."

"Okay." Riley walks into her room and changes into her outfit she wore to his funeral. [AN//: The outfit from Mrs. Svorski's funeral] She grabbed the necklace he had given her. It was the letter L and she treasured it. Just when she finished putting it around her neck, Maya entered with Zay behind her. Maya immediately hugged Riley. They didn't show their pain at school, but here they were alone. Isadora walked in. Zay and Isadora joined the hug. They were all saddened from their loss.

"Are you ready to go?" Topanga asks, coming in. They nod. They file out of the apartment complex and into the car. They arrive at the cemetery. They walk to his grave, already seeing some family members.

"I'll be back." She informs her parents and friends. They nod and she walks away. Riley finds Lucas' mother.

"Mrs. Friar." Lucas' mother turned and saw Riley. They hugged as Riley cried into her shoulder. His mom reminded Riley too much of Lucas.

"How have you been?" Riley asks her through her tears.

"I've been trying, but some days are worse than others. How about you?"

"It's been hard, some days I feel like he's still here." Riley makes her way back to her family and friends. She sees Zay and immediately breaks down. He walks toward her and comforts her. She lets go from the hug and goes to Isadora, while Maya hugs Zay.

"Can I?" Riley asks, referring to hugging her. Isadora nods and gets pulled into a warm hug.


When it was time to go, Riley refused. They were the last ones to leave.

"Mom, I don't want to. Can you let me stay? Please, I just want to be alone with him for a while." Her parents agree and leave her alone. She grabs the flowers she had brought him- peonies. It was the flowers she wanted when they were talking about their future wedding. The flowers she would have when she walked down the aisle. They planned on staying together until they grew old.

"I know we talked earlier, but I wanted to say something. Thank you for being my first love, kiss, everything. I love you and that will never change. You will never leave my heart. You made my life better and I am glad I fell into your lap. You died two months ago and I think I need to let you go. This is my closure, you will never be forgotten and always be in my heart." Riley lets her tears fall. She kisses his grave and leaves the flowers in a vase.

"I love you." She whispers.


Hey guys! How have you been? Sad chapter, sorta. FangirlingRi guessed was going on, congrats 💗
Anyway, if you want to know why I wasn't here for a while, check out my status book :)
Till next time ❤


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