Skeleton Brothers

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(y/n) pov.
I can smell something very familiar. I slowly open my eyes and found a pie on the nightstand. I slowly got up and took the pie and taste it 'its blood ' I said to myself. Soon frisk woke up and saw me eating. "Hey sis what are you eating?" They asked cringing at the second pie in the nightstand. I simply said, "blood pie. Want some" offering them a pie too. They turn pale and wanted to puke. I sigh "wait I think i have some food here that you'll like" I look through my bag and got a pokey out "how's this?" And gave it to them. Their face showed relief that I gave them something edible. Flowey woke up and cringe at the smell of blood. I gave flowey some water. I place the second pie in a container that was in my bag for later and took the plates out with frisk carrying flowey with eating.

We arrive at the table and saw toriel reading. I approached her and she smiled warmly "why hello my child ready to explore the underground?" I smiled "wanna get out of here and live with me mom?" Toriel was shocked but nodded. I squeal and hug her "yay I really don't have a mom finally I have a mom and a sibling......" I started to tear up but isn't this want I always wish for. "Don't worry mom I'll free everyone and you guy can live with me in my big mansion" I squeal and was excited to go and FREE everyone. Toriel laughed and Pat my head "well be careful Asgore is not convincing as me though" I laugh "I bet I can convince him whether he agreed or not". Toriel stood up "well then my children follow me".

~time skipped outside of ruins~

I look down to see frisk and flowey trembling from the cold. I look through my bag and found a pair of scarves I then wrapped them around them and they thank me. I decided to create a fire that can only warm you not harm you and gave it to them. They look at it in awe as the flames flicker with gold and started walking. Up ahead we saw a bridge with bars that blocks anyone from passing through. We approach the bridge until. "HUMAN..... DON'T YOU KNOW HOW TO GREET A PAL.....TURN AROUND AND SHAKE MY HAND...." I then turned around and grab their handshaking it even. Though I felt a shock that went through me "hi I'm (y/n) what your name?" I smiled at the monster in front of me. I inspected the monster........ it's a skeleton a big bone...and wears mostly red and black... the skeleton chuckled and said "wow you weren't shock mostly it would shock anyone but hey anyway...... I'm sans..... sans the skeleton" I squeal at how adorable he is "hey can I call you cherry instead cause you know your all in red and black" sans was shocked "sure call me whatever you want sweetheart" I blush at the nickname "yay! Oh by the way this is Frisk and that cute little flower is flowey" they wave at the cherry. "Well I'm supposed to look after some humans but ........ I won't capture you..... my brother is a human hunting fanatic...... and I think that's him over there" I turned around and spot a skeleton coming this way. "Oh goodie more friends" "uh..... here I know a shortcut" we teleported to the other side "quickly behind that convenient shape rock". I did as told. And hide with frisk and flowey. "SANS WHERE ARE YOU!!! YOU PILE OF BONES!!!!!" the tall skeleton said "here paps- I mean boss......" cherry said trembling under his brother's gaze. "DID YOU JUST USE MY NAME YOU PIECE OF SHIT" I was shocked that the tall one said that. The tall skeleton raise a bone ready to strike and end him, I teleported in front and stop the bone before it landed on the cherry receiving a shock expression on both skeletons. Frisk came running out and hugging my waist while flowey started Screaming "are you crazy!!!!". "Well my dad is a scientist so yeah it's not crazy........ it's insane".

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