Healing spell

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The power of healing spells is perhaps the greatest of all spells. When dealing with the power of health, you are dealing with life and death.
However, the spell included here are fairly weak healing spell. This spell can help to heal wounds and scars in less time then it would normally take, and there are arely any consequences from miss-cast spell.

You will need the following items for this spell:
•Blue Candle
•Stones Washed in Stream

1. Spread the stones which have been washed in a stream into a circle.
2. Place a Blue Candle in the center of the circle
3. Spread lavender all around the blue candle (make sure no lavender is touching the candle)
4. Light the candle
5. Chant the words:

"Sana mente
Mundare animam meam
Tollendum de omnes mala

Sana vulnera mea
Mundatis secat
Tollendum de omnes mala

Ego di
Sume misericordia
Upoun corpus et anima"

6. Breath in the fumes of the candle
7. Rest for at least 12 hours

You should be healed. Also the use of a Evening Primrose or/and Echinacea would help the healing. If you are confused just contact me.

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