sending you letters

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|Chapter Two: Times A Curse|

~ If you love life, don't waste time, for time is what life is made up of ~

"That should be all, good-luck" 

My body feels heavy, eyes eager to open for the curiosity of whats going on around me but they stay stapled shut.

I can feel that I'm sat up in a chair, my shoulders leaning forwards with my head hanging low, chin in chest, though no matter how much body weight I lean forwards with I always stay sat in the chair showing my body is tied up.

"It was a pleasure doing work with you. I can assure you your half of the profit will be sent in the post" I recognize the first voice to of been Master's but this second voice being different, being a woman's voice. "Right, Cain get him set up for the bidding I'm sure he'll go for a good amount-

"Right away Madam" A quiet boy spoke.

The three people's breathing heard long and deep, believing it's Cain's breathe who's is hitting the back of my neck, while he take's his time loosening the ropes binding my hands behind the chair.

"-and I'll contact you after this for the given money" A grunt of a 'thanks' come's from Master as his footsteps fade away into the distance, a door creaking open only to be slammed shut behind his exit "Now pretty boy-"  The woman's breath hit's my face, his arms leaning on my legs for balance, myself being able to tell she is knelt down in front of me "-your old Master told me of your foolish behavior, now I would normally be the one to teach you the rightful lesson but I'll leave that up to your next Master"

"Here you are Madam" The boy, Cain's, voice breathed out. 

With the rattling of chains, my hands being - not gently - released they fall to the side's of the chair limp, my shoulders dropping down with their heaviness.

"Thank you Cain, you may leave" a shuffling noise of feet are heard, them too leaving into the distance. "Now boy I know you're awake so let's make this easy for me and do as I say, yes?"

A long sigh come's from my stuck together, dry lips, "Y-yes Madam"

"That's a good boy" She speaks as if I'm a kid. 

Having the strength to open my eyes I notice all was useless when a blindfold blocked my view.

My hands where no longer bonded together by rope behind me but with solid metal chains of handcuffs in front of me. 

"Madam" A harsh male's voice spoke through behind a door "Is he ready"

"Indeed he is!" She called back, a smile heard in her tone of voice. "Right, now, will you stand up for me kid and we can get this over and done with?"

Not arguing against it, her hand hooked under my right elbow for either support or caution, I don't know, but either way it helped me with my balance to stand on my own two feet.

Her body came before me, my body feeling cold and myself instantly knowing I was fully bare, no clothes to be felt anywhere on my body.

"Thank you Rico, I'll be heading out back now so if you will take it from here" Just like I was rubbish I was tossed from 'Madams' grip and fell into the arms of the other man, Rico. "Let's get this thing started"

"Alright kid, your bidden aren't till this afternoon so you'll be spending so quality time with, well you know..." My eyes closed, to say they don't really need to be open with a blindfold on.

My knees wouldn't stop trembling while Rico dragged me down long hallways till we came to a sudden halt, three hard knocks on a door, obviously before us.

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