Chapter Four-Margo?

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My entire body still felt tingly from Star's magic, but right now, that was the very least of my problems...
'W-What...I'm a girl? I'M A GIRL!!!' I screamed internally, not having any idea what to do in this ridiculous situation.
I span on my heels and realised that the entirety of the caferteria was staring at me.
All I could do was stand there completely frozen in their stares as a strange mixture of fear, suprise and confusion washed over me, as my friends and strangers alike stared at me in disbelief.
Star was the first one to say anything after a whole silent sixty seconds had passed, but to be completely honest; that didn't suprise me in the slightest...

"Oh. my. Mewni. Marco, you make such a cute girl! You're hair's gotten so long and pretty! Please~! Let me feel it!" She cooed, rushing over to me with her arms, fully outstretched.
I went to dodge her advance, but I quickly learnt that all my clothes had become really big on me, because of my sudden transformation!
Stumbling over my brown skinny jeans, (that weren't even all that skinny anymore) I managed to awkwardly evade the totally smitten Mewni princesses, but holding onto my jeans and keeping my hoodie up was still my main priority at this point in time.
"Aww...What did you dodge me for?" Star asked me, she seemed to be generally confused at why I had avoided her super-tight, unescapable, oxygen-depriving hugs.
"Seriously, Star! Change me back right now! I don't want to be a-" I suddenly cut myself off and covered my mouth with both of my hands, realising that my voice had gotten several pitches higher! Apparently, I didn't just look like a girl; I actually sounded like one too!

Well, more than usual anyway...

"So cute! You sound sooooo adorable, Marco! Star shouted, who was literally about to burst from excitement.
"Please, I'm begging you, Star! Change me back into a guy again! This is a really weird experience for me!"
My blond girlfriend smiled and chuckled, sheepishly.
"Uhm...about that..." Star began, twirling a lock of her golden hair around her index finger. "I can't undo that spell's magic..."
"H-Huh? You can't?"
"Sorry, Marco...I'll try and fix this as soon as I can, okay?"
"N-No way...That means...I'm going to have to stay like this?
"Well, only for a few days or a week...Or maybe a couple of months..."
I sighed, miserably; just as Ferguson and Alfonzo walked up to me, still totally confused.

"Marco, dude, did you just switch genders?" Ferguson asked me, whilst he stared at my new transformation.
"You saw what happened, man...Oh god, what am I gonna do now?" I asked myself, worriedly.
"Well, firstly I think that you should change your clothes, Margo" Star suggested, handing me a couple of folded-up garments. "These are mine, but you can keep them, Margo"
"Uhh...Thanks, Star; but what's with the whole Margo thing?" I asked, gratefully accepting my saving grace in the form of a Star's blue dress.
"It's your name, of course!" My blond smooch buddy grinned. "I thought of it just now! Pretty good, huh?"
"I guess so..."
"Right? Okay, you should go and change before lunch ends! See ya later!"
I smiled at my three friends and quickly jogged over to the bathroom. Little did I know that the biggest choice in my life was waiting for me there...

'W-Which one do I go in...?' I thought to myself, completely torn between the two gender-specific restrooms.
I looked like a girl, but in reality, I was actually a guy...

It looked like I was going to be here for a while...

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