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"Kata, you can't get away with everything. You need to play it safe. Don't catch anyone's attention. Just kill and hide. There's no reason for the spotlight to be on you."

That's what Mr. Shinozaki said to me almost every night when he tucked me into bed. Then he'd sing me a song and kiss my head.

My dad worked with Mr. Shinozaki for a really long time, so when he passed away, he took me in. It think I grew to have a stronger bond with him than I ever had with either of my parents. I honestly don't remember what my parents look like.

Mr. Shinozaki told me stories of my parents. He says I have my father's black hair and my mother's blue eyes. But I have both of their kagunes. It's very rare, and I'm only one of four known cases. Well, supposedly four. There's only three proven. One is Nutcracker, one is Shikorae, and the other is some little girl. I only heard of her because of ghoul gossip. I don't know if it's true. Heard her parents were killed like mine.

I haven't seen Mr. Shinozaki in four years. I would visit, but it's too dangerous. Plenty of ghouls and the CCG want me dead. I don't want to put him at risk. He sends me letters every week, but I don't write back. He knows I'm getting them though. I think that's enough for him.

"Kata. Get back in reality." Ayuka smacked my cheek and sat on the end of my bed. I blinked a few times, then sat up. "Hm?" I mumbled, and she just chuckled. "You were staring at the ceiling for an hour. What's on your mind?"

I just stared at her, then looked down. "I.. can't remember." I said quietly, staying silent as Ayuka stood up and ruffled my hair. "Come on sis, lets go get some coffee and chat." She said and left the room. I let out a heavy sigh, then swung my legs over the side of the bed.

A headache pierced the back of my head and I inhaled sharply, before standing and slipping some sneakers on. When Ayuka wants to go get coffee, you don't say no. I followed her downstairs, my hands shoved in my pockets.

"Kata, you're doing that thing again." Ayuka tossed her blonde hair over her shoulder as we walked down the sidewalk together. I glanced at her and shook my head. "I don't know what you're talking about.." I muttered, and she just rolled her eyes.

"That thing where you stare at walls and ceilings and wonder if you made the right choices in life. It's not like you can change 'em. Be happy with whatcha got." She said, hooking her arm with mine. I ignored what she said and just let her take my arm, then followed her into the coffee shop.

We sat on two stools at the counter, and Ayuka ordered us both a black coffee. I lightly swung my feet and sighed. She nudged me and grinned. "Why so down sis? Enjoy your coffee!" She said and drank her own. I ignored her again, and just stared down at the coffee.

Ayuka and I met when we were thirteen. Mr. Shinozaki wanted me to socialize with other ghouls, and he knew a friend of his had a daughter my age. So he made us meet. We hated each other at first, but when I ran away.. Ayuka and I hung out quite a bit. We grew kinda close, and now we're around each other most of the time.

"I'm gonna dump that coffee on your head if you don't drink it." Ayuka muttered and glared at me. I just sighed and quickly drank some, then set the mug down on the counter, wiping my lips with the back of my hand. "Not all ghouls like coffee as much as you, Ayuka.." I whispered, and she smacked the back of my head. "Shut your mouth." She said sternly.

I couldn't blame her. It's dangerous to mention ghouls in public. Because then everyone around you becomes suspicious. I sighed and rest my chin on my hand. "You're a real idiot, you know that?" Ayuka mumbled to me, and I said nothing.

No one knows that I'm X. Not even Ayuka. I could never tell her. The reward for me was enough to make even her turn me in. You might think she's a shitty friend because of that. Well, she is. But she's all I've got. So I let her stick around.

"Y'know, I heard there's some sort of party underneath Kyo's tattoo parlor tonight. You should come with me." She said and finished off her coffee. I raised an eyebrow, then slowly shook my head. "I don't know Kyo well enough." I mumbled and sipped at the coffee.

Of course, the reaction I got was a loud groan. "Come on! How are you gonna get to know him if you act like that?" She said, nudging my side. I stayed silent, before shrugging. "I don't want to get to know him. He's just another douchebag." I said, so quiet it was practically a whisper.

"But you don't know him! So how can you judge him?" Ayuka sat up straight and crossed her arms across her chest. A soft snicker past my lips, then I glanced at her. "He owns a tattoo parlor. That's how I know." I said, then put my coffee down and stood up. "I'll be going home now. Later, Ayuka." I said, then turned and walked towards the exit of the small coffee shop.

"Hey! You're making me pay?" She called after me, then grit her teeth and slammed a few dollars on the counter before hurrying after me. "Why are you such a fun killer? This is why I'm your only friend." Ayuka flipped her long blonde hair, trying to keep up with my fast pace. "I don't want friends." I said quietly, and that made her stop in her tracks.

I stopped as well, then turned to look at her. "What..?" I mumbled, and Ayuka just shook her head. "Oh, nothing. Why does it matter? You don't want me right?" She asked, leaning most of her weight on her left foot. I said nothing, then turned and started walking home again. I heard a loud scoff, then her heels running in the opposite direction of me.

I didn't mind honestly. Friends are overrated. Family is overrated. Being alone is best.

I pulled out my keys once my apartment building was in sight, and immediately went into the elevator. I leaned against the wall, listening to the soft music playing. Then I hurried out and to my apartment door, unlocking the door and then locking it again once I was inside.

I sighed and rubbed my eyes, before heading for the bathroom. My reflection in the dirty mirror stared back at me. My short black hair covered my eyes mostly, so my blue eyes weren't very visible. I had gotten used to seeing that way.

My wardrobe mostly consisted of oversized sweaters and mini skirts. Knee high socks and cheap sneakers. With my budget, that's bout all I can afford. I still buy human food to keep in my house, so the landlord wouldn't be suspicious if he came by and saw my place completely scarce of food.

I reached down and lifted off my sweater, dropping it on the ground. I kicked my shoes off, then pulled the socks off. Finally, I let my skirt drop around my ankles.

I honestly don't bathe much. Maybe twice a week? But that's it.

I bit my lip, then turned and went to my tub, turning the warm water on and climbing in. Right when I sank down in the water, goosebumps ran up and down my arms and legs.

My phone rang on the counter, and I tiredly reached over and answered it. "Hello..?" I muttered. Of course, Ayuka's voice was on the other end. "Hey, if you come to that party with me, I'll buy you that sweater you wanted at the mall." She said.

That caught my attention, and I quickly sat up. "Seriously..?" I mumbled. A giggle was heard on the other end. "Yeah! Come on Kata!" She said. I ran my hand through my hair, before nodding. "Yeah, sure. I'll go." I said.

Ayuka squealed. "Yay! Be ready in an hour!" She said, then hung up. I took the phone away from my ear, then groaned. I let her bribe me into going to a party again? Damn it.

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