Chapter 19

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Niall and I had an... interesting "nap" and I don't regret it lets keep it at that. When I woke up, I saw Niall sleeping on his stomach, his light snores being heard. I got out of the bed carefully not waking up Niall and put my clothes back on. I look at the clock and it says 2:00pm so I decide to wake up the boy.

"Niall, wake up." I said shaking him slightly. He didn't even stir. I gave up after trying the times. I was bored as hell so I got on Twitter and check my notifications and what's trending. The first thing I saw was "IS NIALL CHEATING ON GIRLFRIEND MALLORY NEWMAN?" I clicked on the link and he was holding a girls hand with red/brown curls and dimples. She was very short compared to Niall.

I thought it was Photoshopped until I saw lots more. Her name is Ariana Grande. They had at least ten photos, one of them kissing, holding hands, at a cafe together ect. I didn't know what to think of it. At first I was sad that I just lost my virginity to my so called best friend, so called boyfriend who is CHEATING on me... Then I was angry. So angry I started packing my stuff.

I'm getting out of here. There is no way in hell I can do this. so I wrote him a letter.


I thought you were my friend, best friend actually, boyfriend, my lover, the one who's ment to be for me. But I guess not since your a two timing BASTARD. Since when we're you dating Ariana Grande? I must say she is pretty. It's very nice to see that on Twitter after you had it with a cheater arte you thought everything was going in the right direction. I guess it doesn't matter now. If you haven't taken the hint yet, I already left and I'm home right now and were over. I can't date someone who is going to keep hurting me repeatedly. Your heart can only take so much until your done. Goodbye Niall.

~ Mallory"

I didn't realise I was crying until a single tear dropped onto the sheet of paper. I quickly whiped my tears away and grabbed my bags and left.


"Flight 29" said the lady on the speakers. That was my flight. I am going back to Ireland.


Hahahahhahahahahahhaa sorry. I had to put a little more drama into it ;) hope you enjoyed the chapter.


USED to be Friends ( Niall Horan FF) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now