Chapter 2

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*Louis POV*
So, school had come and gone, nothing to exciting had happened apart from Hunter being told to go "fûck" himself by one of the school bully's that received a lovely punch in the face from Hunter and then a kind knee in the balls from me. One thing about us brothers is that we most certainly don't stand for either of us being pushed around and everyone knows that, some just don't seem to understand that what they do will always be followed by a reaction from both of us. We also stand up for all our friends as well as other students that get picked on by the basterds in this school.

Hunter and I were always the best of friends growing up and we would always fight for one and other and if we ever fought with one and other, which happened once every blue moon, would end up with us laughing it off and calling it a day we were never the siblings that would argue a lot apart from when we both hit the age of thirteen when we both thought we were ten men but we were missing nine. We would bicker at any given opportunity, our mum was drove crazy by us and ended up banning us from talking to one and other unless it was something nice or a question if either on of us started a argument we would have our phone taken away which resulted in a screaming match and a very angry twin.

We were heading down to Zayn's house, the conversation was running smoothly and Hunter and I were bickering about some video game that both of us wanted but neither of us had the money to buy. Niall had already gotten the game so we are just planning on going to his and playing it.

"Hunter come here please," Harry looked back at us and gestured for Hunter to go over and see him, Hunter looked at me and shrugged and sped up to go talk to Harry. Liam slowed down leaving his conversation with Zayn and Niall to come talk to me, Liam and I had always been very close ever since we started secondary school together, he and Hunter weren't as close but Hunter had Harry as I had Liam, although I was still very close with Harry and Hunter was very close with Liam.

"What's up Lou," Liam smiled.

"Nothing much, how was your holiday then?" I asked Liam, I didn't see him either as he had gone to Scotland to go do some work for his family.

"It was good, Scotland is even colder then down here! I couldn't believe it when I got there it rained for an entire week with only two or three days with some very dim sunlight," Liam explains, we live in Doncaster in the south of Yorkshire, so it's not particularly warm here but from what Liam is telling me I'm thankful that we don't live closer to Scotland if it's even colder there then here.

"Well that sucks, how is the love life going?" I chuckle when he frowns and bats my arm with his fist.

"Unfortunately Cheryl Cole doesn't know I am a living breathing human on the same earth as she so not good my friend not good," he shakes his head laughing and I soon join in, Liam has always had a crush on Cheryl Cole for as long as I can remember he watches X-Factor every year to just see her even though he tells us that he watches it for the "Talent".

"Hey do you guys know Jason McKnight?" Niall pipes up looking around at our faces to see if anyone knows of Jason, which all of us did.

"Yeah why?" Zayn replied for us all.

"Well, he's having a huge New Years party and the Entire six form is invited, even some year elevens are invited, it's going to be huge!" Niall explained excitement clear in his tone of voice and the huge smile on his face.

"So what you're trying to say is can we go," I said tilting my head to the side and looking at Niall in which he nodded his head very fast in reply, everyone looked around for approval at one and other and a unison of "yeah's" and "Why not" confirmed that we were all going to this party. No doubt Jason would have asked me and Hunter to go anyway even if Niall hadn't mentioned it.

"Great! We need to tell Parker and Rose," Niall said and the rest of us nodding.

We all walked into Zayn's house saying a hello to his mum and his sisters then charging up the stairs into Zayn's room where we normally go. Hunter and Harry were still talking, I swear them two could talk for days with no stops or pauses, so I went and sat beside Niall who was stuffing his face with a sandwich that he got offered from Zayn's mum Trisha. Liam and Zayn where setting up the PS4 while me and Niall were talking about nothing in particular.

"Hunter, Louis what are you two doing this weekend?" Liam asked the pair of us, we looked at each other and shrugged.

"Nothing, why?" Hunter replied for us.

"Well me and the lads where thinking of going camping somewhere on Friday and getting back on Sunday if you want to come," Liam replied with a hopeful face, again Hunter and I looked at each other and answered.

"Sure why not," in unison followed by a groan off Harry and a chuckle from Hunter and I.

"You guys seriously need to stop doing that it's so freaking creepy," Harry complained with a roll of the eyes.

Hunter and I always seemed to know what each other were thinking just by looking at one and other, I admit it's very useful because we don't actually have to talk to have a conversation, that way we can secretly make decisions without others having any idea of it.

"Sorry Harry, we can't help it, it's because we are magic," Hunter wiggled his fingers in Harry's face as if he was creating a spell as I laughed and agreed.

"Yeah and I'm Harry Potter," Harry replied rolling his eyes and pushing Hunter away as the rest of us laughed at him, Harry is very witty at times which isn't great as Hunter and I are known for our wit so Hunter and I normally end up arguing with Harry as we constantly have witty remarks thrown at each other which the other lads find hilarious.

"Stop with the sass Styles and grab the controller for the TV," Liam commanded Harry, Harry sighed but got up to go retrieve the remote for Liam as I fell into a day dream.

"Hunter get the fûck up fast!" I screamed as gun shots sounded all around us as well as screams of people all around us rang in my ears.

More gun shots sounded followed by a blood curling scream, I cover my ears as tears fall from my eyes and I scream out to try and block out the screams. Hunter had finally got up and pushed me to start running out of the building.

"Louis!" Niall yelled in my face snapping me out of my day dream as the rest of the boys looked at me and Hunter gave me a worried look.

"Sorry, sorry I was day dreaming," I laughed it off as Niall shook his head and handed me the PS4 controller as he unpaused the game we were playing, everyone went back to playing the game but Hunter continued to look at me with a mix of sadness and worry, I simply looked away and played the game ignoring his lingering glare.

-------------------------------------------------------hey guys! Early update because why not! Hope you enjoyed, things are about to get interesting...


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2016 ⏰

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