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Demi's Pov

"What?! How can i be your sister?" she asked startled. Her face is pale, her curly brown hair is messy and in her face, she's so thin, and she's covered in wires and IV's. This is not what a child should look like. "I got a call from the police saying that they've found you! You're my little sister, and you've been missing for eight years, you were kidnapped when you were a toddler, and now we've found you," I say. There are tears in my eyes. I can't believe this was my baby sister, and that she's here with me. "Demi I have a family?! Can you please get me out of here, and who are my parents?" Stephanie says. I see tears start running down her face as she mumbles " No one cares.." "We do care Stephanie! I care so much about, and I used to pray every night that you would be found," I say. "My family is on their way, I happen to be nearby recording my album, but they're coming Stephanie, they can't wait to see you. And I'm so sorry that this happened to you. Do you wanna tell me about it?" I ask as gently as possible. I really don't know what to say. The police said that they found her covered in blood, and her father was- was doing something to her. It hurts my heart that someone would do that to my little sister or anyone.. "What they told you is a lie, they have no idea what they are saying!" Stephani shouts as she starts to cry. "Don't cry!!" I say shushing her, and I wrap my arm around her. I hardly know her, and it's awkward, but I know that she's my sister and I love her. "They kept trying to do test, and trying to ask me questions and touch me. Don't let them hurt me." Stephani sobbed. My heart broke as I felt her trembling body in my arms...Just then, our family rushes in. Her mom, dad and two sisters.."H-hey." I hear Madison stutter out. "Hi," Stephanie say. Demi's mom comes over to me and hugs me. "Hi Mom," Stephanie says as she wraps her arms around Stephani tightly. "Hi baby, oh i've missed you so much, I'm so sorry, I just- I just can't believe it's you." Mom starts crying. "Losing you was so hard." "I love you mommy." Stephanie says crying. "I love you too baby," Mom says. "Please take me out of here They tried to do a test on me." Stephanie cried. "Oh baby, I'm sorry, they shouldn't have done that, what happened? What did he did to you?" Mom demands. I bet she has so many questions. "N-nothing, he did nothing mom. I'm just glad you're back." Stephanie cries. "Sweetheart.." Mom says stroking Stephanie's hair. The doctor then comes in and announces that she's free to go. Stephanie is wheeled out to the parking lot, and we get inside the car. "C'mon let's get some ice cream," "I'm not hungry mommy." Stephanie says. "Come one girls! Let's celebrate! Who doesn't like ice cream?" Mom says. "Me. I like water."Stephanie says wiping her tears. Mom ignores this, and we drive to the ice cream place, and she orders us all ice cream cones. I look at Stephanie who's staring at hers. "I can't eat it.." Stephanie says. "Why not? It's really good," I say. "I'm not hungry, can we go home please.." Stephanie says.

Stephanie's Point of View:

I was in the car as my phone buzzed."Why don't you take one of your precious guns and do the world a favor and go kill yourself." Tears ran down my face as I read the message. We were on a bridge when Mom suddenly stopped. My chance was now and I'm going to take it. I quickly ran out the car door and stood on the railing of bridge. Tears ran down my face. I close my eyes knowing I'll be greeting death.. When i felt hands grab me from behind pulling me close. It felt safe. "What was that?" Mom asked, and I turned around and Demi was holding me looking scared to death. I closed my eyes again as tears poured down my face. "Why." I whispered quietly sobbing. "Why did you do that?'" Demi says still holding me tightly. " I don't see the reason for trying, or for talking, or for breathing.. I'm just done. So that's it i guess." I say as wipe my tears trying to not look at anyone even though everyone keeps staring at me. Demi guides me to the car, and we drive home. Nobody says anything, and I feel bad. This was supposed to be a happy reunion for them, but now I ruined it, just like always. "Tears start to roll down my face and I say "If i'm not hurting myself I'm hurting everyone around me.." I say starting to cry again. "It's okay, we're going to help you, Stephanie," Demi says. Mom nods, "Yeah, that's what we're here for." "I'm fine.. I promise." I say. Finally, we arrive at the house. It's so beautiful, and I still can't believe that I'm Demi Lovato's sister, and this is going to be my new home. "Wow mama. This is like a mansion connected to another mansion." I say stunned. Mom laughs. "Welcome to your new home," and she opens the door.

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