What if Edward had a little sister in his human time. He thought she died from a gun shot, that he accidently shot her when a vampire came near her when he was hunting in the woods. What happens if she came back to life as a vampire and a special on...
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and I smile. How lucky am I to have met this little angel.
I push him of me carefully off of me on the bed.
Then went downstairs to the kitchen and started to make breakfast
I heard Ian walking down the stairs an I turned around and smile.
"Hey little tiger, did you sleep good, Im making breakfast" I said making the batter for blueberry waffles
"Yeah I d-did better than the floor in the forest" Ian told me looking at the floor
I walk around the counter and bend down his level and hug him, he hugs back and a tear fall off and I wiped it and look at him
" Don't worry you have me now. Tell you what after we eat we can go to Seattle and we can buy you clothes and anything you want and go to the police station to make me your guardian" I said
"Really?!!" Ian asked excitedly
"Of course I will. You're already like a son to me" I said to him smiling and smiled wider when he gave ma hug.
"And you-ur l-like a m-mother t-to me" Ian said and gave me a kiss on the cheek.
I smile and hug him one more time.
"Come on breakfast is ready before it gets cold, you like blueberry waffles right? I asked
"Yeah" Ian said
" Ok" I said
I went to the kitchen and got two plates,two forks,two knives and two glass of Orange Juice. I put the waffles on the plates.
Then made may way to the table where Ian was at and gave him the plate and the OJ.
We finished eating breakfast, did the dishes and got ready to go shopping and to get the adoption (A/n: I don't know if you can adopt a kid when your sixteen so let's pretend you can in this fanfic) papers for Ian.
We got out of the house and into my car and on our way
( skip ride)
We arrived to the police station and i got out and went to the back to get Ian and carried him on my hips even though he's not a baby and made my way through the door to the front office