People Change

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The party is over and everyone is gone except my mom,my sister, the guys and my brothers. It's midnight right now and we are finishing cleaning when Taylor and Kayla come it. Kayla doesn't look slutty for once. She actually looks really pretty. "Catie can I talk to you privately please?" Kayla asked with hope in her eyes. I nod my head and we walk a few feet away from everyone. "I really want to apologize for everything I have done to you. I have only done it because Taylor told me if I didn't do what he said he would physically abuse me like slap, punch and kick me. I didn't kiss him at magcon when he cheated on you and I have a video of him beating me because I didn't throw you off the stage at magcon here look" she says as Kayla shows me a video of Taylor getting on top of Kayla and start slapping her and scream "go die ugly pig" and "nobody will love you" My fave drops as I see Kayla with tears in her eyes. I give her a huge hug "Kayla I accept your apology. We need to tell all the girls they will help you with this." I said as I walk over to all the girls. "Girls go over to Kayla please. I need to tell Cameron something" I said as I walk over to cam. I give him a kiss on his lip and whisper in his ear "Kayla changed but something bad happen to her. I will tell you later" I was over to all the girls and they were watching the video right now. All their faces where the same as mine. "Kayla you need to tell the police" mahogany said. "Yea or something worse may happen" Raven tells her as raven gives Kayla a hug. We walk over to the guys and Taylor has that usual smirk on his face and Cameron, Ethan and Grayson and death glaring him. "Cameron tell everyone that I am going to the police station" I said to him as I kiss his lips. "Why are you going to the police station?" He asked me. "Because we can get Taylor arrested" I said as I walk over to Kayla and we walk out. We get to the police station and we go over to the desk.

A/N: I don't know how it goes so let's pretend this is what you have to do

"Hello I would like to report a crime." I said to the lady. "What would that crime be?" She asked me. "Abusive boyfriend" Kayla said to her. "In order to file a crime we need proof of how the man was abusive. We showed her the video and she writes down information. "Okay we need stuff about him so can you tell me his full name and what he looks like?
Name: Taylor Michael Caniff
Height: 5'10
Birthday: February 3, 1996
Age: 20 years old
Birthplace: Indiana
Hair color: dark brown
Eye color: brown

"Thank you and will you be able to bring him down here for us so we can see if it's really him." the lady says. We nod our head and walk away to call him. We need to call him off Kayla's because I don't have his number and I don't want him having mine. "Hey Taylor can you come to 221 Main Street in 30 minutes for me. It's important. Okay bye" She hung up. I quickly called Cameron. "Hey baby can you tell everyone secretly to come to 221 Main Street right now. No don't tell Taylor. Tell him that you are going to grab something from my house. But leave in groups so he doesn't get suspicious. Ok love you babe bye." I say as I hang up on Cameron. 10 minutes later Cameron, Nash, his girlfriend, Aaron, his girlfriend, Jack G and his girlfriend. 10 minutes the rest of guys and their girlfriends came in. Now Taylor is here. "Babe why am I at a police station with all these sluts and man whores?" Taylor asked. "Come with me Taylor" Kayla says as motion carter and Matt to film this. "Ma'am this was the boy I was talking about." I said. "Sir let me see your ID" the lady asked and Taylor rolls his eyes and hands her his ID. "Well everything you girls said matches everything on his ID and the video proof matches him as well." The lady said. "We will take this to court in 2 weeks and figure out the final punishment." She said and we all nod and walk out. "Kayla do you wanna come with us?" I ask

A/N so all the girlfriends left while the lady was talking but mahogany is still here

"Can I please stay I have no where to go." She replied. I smile and nod my head yes and we all go to my house.

In these 2 weeks Cameron and I have been planning our wedding and our honeymoon. Now me, Cameron, Kayla and my brothers are all driving to the court room. When we get there we go through security and wait for our case to be called. Once we are called we all pile into the court room waiting for the judge. "Everyone please sit" the judge says as everyone in the room sits down. "Now mrs. Dolan and mrs. Hernandez please explain your side of the story." The judge says as Kayla and I rise from our seats. "Well sir a few years ago Taylor and his friends including my fiancé use to bully me. But when I joined a convention called magcon all the boys changed. Anyways, when I joined right before our first show Taylor asked me out and I said yes because at the beginning I did have a crush on him. A few hours later the show started and I went to the bathroom. When I came back I seen Taylor forcing Kayla to kiss him. Then he made my life miserable. He bullied me, gave me death treats and always wanted to fight Cameron and my brothers. It was terrible." I said. "Then 2 weeks ago catie had a birthday party and Taylor made me go but I didn't want to ruin caties special day so I kept saying no but Taylor forced me. Then when we got there I told catie how everything was a misunderstanding. The reason why I bullied her, dressed and acted slutty was because if I didn't Taylor would physically abuse terribly. I have a video of it" Kayla says as she hands a man her phone to show the judge the video. "You slut why didn't you push catie off the stage like I said." We heard Taylor scream in Kayla's face. "I didn't want to. Why do I have to bully her. I want to be her friend. I don't want her to hate me." Kayla said calmly back. Once he finishes the video the judge turns to Taylor. "Mr. Caniff is this true that you abused Kayla?" The judge asked. "Yup it is. What are you going to do about it" Taylor says back." Taylor says. "Mr. Caniff I charge you with 7 years of prison please say your goodbyes and get ready for the worst 7 years of your life." He judge says as he hits the hammer thingy (idk what's that called) and gets up to walk out. Wow this might be one of the bests days ever.

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