"Run and never look back"

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I woke up to the sound of music playing quietly through the flimsy walls of the house. I looked over to my old beaten clock and saw it was 11:48. I dashed out of bed not even bothered about the amount of noise I was making as I pushed the chest-of-drawers out of the way  and ran as fast as I could down the creaking stairs as possible. I slowly peaked my head around the door to see my father still sound asleep in his shabby beaten up reclining chair. I let out a mental sigh of relief and tiptoed my way to the kitchen to make his morning coffee which consisted of a dash of milk, a teaspoon of coffee grounds and almost a third of a bottle of whisky. I take the mug up to my lips just to try it but before they even reach the rim of the mug my head was pulled back with a sharp yank from my messy blonde hair. I was pulled to the ground by my father and he started kicking me in the ribs. From the corner of my eye I saw Sam at the door frame with his mouth agape and fists balled so tight his knuckles were turning white. That's when he ran towards the maniac on top of me and pinned him up against the wall and punched him, and he didn't stop until that monster was unconscious. Our fathers body dropped to the floor and Sam turned around and dropped next to me hugging me like there was no tomorrow.
"Max you need to get out of here" he said with a cracked voice. I looked up at his chocolate brown eyes threatening to spill with tears.
"Where will I go" I screamed through the tears "this is all I know. I only know this house. I only know this shite hole of a town" I said sobbing into his chest.
"Here take this" he reached into his back pocket and pulled out his wallet filled with enough money to get away from this horrible town.
"I can't take this Sam" I said calming down a bit pushing the old tattered leather wallet back into his chest "What about you, we're will you go?"
"I'm going to stay with cam permanently after graduation which is next week. I'll be fine. Just promise me you will get out of this town"
I gave a small nod of agreement and flung my arms around his small waist and thanked him like there was no tomorrow.
"Go upstairs now and pack everything you need, just promise as soon as you step outside of this house you will never come back" I looked up at Sam and flung my small frame around him and hugged him with all the strength I could.
I ran upstairs and found my old vans bag I used for school once upon a time and shoved all of my clothes in it along with my toothbrush. I sped down the old rickety stairs for the last time and ran into the kitchen and flung my small frame against sams'.
I whispered into his ear a quick thank you and lightly kissed him on the cheek. I sped towards the door, I sped towards my freedom. I flung the door open and stepped outside, I turned around to see Sam standing there with tears streaming down his face.
"You can finally start your life now max" he said holding back the tears that were threatening to escape. "Forget about this house forget about me and promise me that you will run and not look back ever. Just start afresh, you are so talented I know you will be amazing in what ever you do"
He slowly held his arms up and I ran into his embrace. We stayed like that for awhile until he pushed me away
"Thank you Sam" I said. It was barely audible because of the amount of tears and wailing I was trying to hold back.
He held his arms back up and whispered into my ear "run and never look back"
And with that I turned and sprinted up the street at 12:15 in the afternoon to never look back at the only life I had known.

Ok so that's the end of chapter 2. The next chapter is going to be a time skip to 2 years Into the future and the story will carry on from there. If you would like to leave any suggestions for what happens next just leave a comment and I will try my hardest to add it in
Bye xx

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