How I Met Your Mother Should've Ended

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There she was, at the end of the aisle, arm in arm with her father, who for once would be there for her. Although everyone had seen her already in the dress, seeing her now just completed the picture. A beautiful bride. Who knew one day Robin Scherbatsky would get married? And of all people, to Barney Stinson? The man who could never settle down, who would forever be chasing one "conquest" after another. Not anymore. This was the man who gave his soulmate a Canadian themed rehearsal dinner, after tricking her into thinking it was a laser tag rehearsal dinner. The man who claimed lying was part of who he was, but instead vowed to be honest to his bride for their entire marriage. The one thing that would mean the most to her, and the one thing that would probably be the most difficult thing for Barney, really showed how much he truly loved her. This was the girl he loved more than anyone else ever. The one girl he could actually settle down with and love and cherish forever.

Lily had tears spilling down her face, although she unsuccessfully tried to hide them by continuously blinking, but her face was beaming despite her joyful tears. Even little Marvin (all dressed up in a little suit provided by Barney) was happy as he bounced on Mickey's knee. Yes, Mickey was the babysitter. Everyone looked so happy. Barney's blue eyes glistened, although seconds before, he was kicking himself for not wearing the cornflower blue tie, but as Robin approached him those thoughts vanished, for all he could think about was how beautiful she was, and how blessed he was to have her, despite what a scumbag he'd been. He knew that from this day forward, he'd be a changed man. He knew that he had already begun to change, but he knew that after he got married, things would never be the same for him. And this thought made him so happy.

The time had come for them to read each other their vows.

Looking Robin in the eyes, Barney said to her, "Robin, as you know, I have made but one vow to you: I vow to be completely honest with you. No lies, ever. Cause I love you. You are the love of my life. Everything I have and everything I am is yours. Forever."

Robin smiled, with tears in her eyes, as Barney discreetly wiped the tears away from his own. "Barney, I vow to love you forever, to put our marriage first, no matter what. To love you completely and to give you my whole self. No matter how much we'll fight, how tough things get, I won't give up on you. And I hope you don't give up on me.

Barney mouthed "Never" at her and winked.

Soon came the words of the pastor, "I now pronounce you husband and wife", and Barney dipped his bride and embraced her as the congregation collectively clapped and cried some more. "Barney is nothing like my husband," Thought Robin's mother, who became more and more convinced that he wasn't, and that Robin had made the right choice, even though only today she met this man.

Slow dancing with his bride, Barney had a double take as he recognized the bassist in the wedding band. Could it be?? Nooo. This had to be a coincidence. But are there really ever coincidences? He ran up to her, eagerly exclaiming, "Hey!! Remember me?? The guy at the drug store with the diapers who hit on you????"

The beautiful woman nodded as she continued to play, trying not to mess up the song.

"Remember we talked and you told me to go get the girl????" He continued. "Well I got her!!" He cried, pointing to Robin. The woman smiled and nodded again. Then gasping, Barney realized something.

He ran over to Ted, sitting at a table with Marshall and Lily , and wildly waving his arms, blubbered, "Ted!! You gotta meet this girl!! She-she-she..."

"No, Barney," Ted shook his head with a wry smile, "No more 'Have You Met Ted?'" I'm moving to Chicago, remember?"

"Pfft no you're not!! Come on, Ted! That's the dumbest idea, come on. We both know that."

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