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You light me up inside
Like the 4th of July
Whenever you're around
I always seem to smile
And people ask me how
Well you're the reason why
I'm dancing in the mirror and singing in the shower

La da di, la da da, la da daaa
Singing in the shower
La da di, la da da, la da daaa
Singing in the shower...

"LILYYY YOU THERE?" A sudden voice interrupted my singing. I froze in the shower. Who was that? Did they break into my house? How did they know my name! I grabbed my towel and peeked outside the door.

There standing there was Julie.

"Julieee!! You nearing scared me to death. My god what are you doing he- nevermind that! How did you get in!" I frustratedly yelled at her.

She smirked. She actually smirked, and then replied, "Your mom, duhhhh."

I rolled my eyes at her remark. "OKAYY.. WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE? IT'S Friday ! YOU don't come on Fridays, only Mondays-Thurs, remember?" I sighed. Of course she would forget.

She gave me most sarcastic tone and said "No, it's Mondayyy." She rolled her eyes. "No Sherlock, the party remember!"

I froze. Oh god. How could I forget.

I ran back into the shower hoping I would get out of this situation, however Juls was one step ahead. She grabbed my IPhone from where it was charging and yelled out, "Oh look! Who have you been texting?"

Immediately I opened the door in a split second and with my towel wrapped around, I shrieked at her to give it back.

The person she was referring about was the guy who texted me my freshman year in class. We've been texting buddies and I found out he's Zack's best pal, Mark. Little does he know who I am. However, I didn't want Juls reading my messages with him. I didn't want her to discover who I've been texting, for Juls had been seriously crushing on Mark for years. I didn't want my identity to be exposed to him, yet. For when he finds out who I am, he would most likely block me and delete our constant messages.

"Ohlala who's this?" She kept reading our messages. I thanked the Lord I didn't name Mark on my contact list. His name was "Annoying🙆"

"Okay, okay, okay, stop reading it and I'll get ready!" I refused to allow her to read more, for she might identify who Annoying🙆 was.

She smirked in victory.

As I got back in and finished my shower, I put on a plain black tee and my sweats. I pulled my blonde hair up into a messy bun and walked out.

Julie was sitting on my bed reading my magazines. She looked up and her jaw dropped. Although she was my best friend, she rarely saw me without my hoodie covering my face, and even if she did, I would at least leave my long hair down to cover my face.

"Oh my God, you're so beautiful and you don't even try! I don't know why you hide yourself." She splattered.

If only she knew.

"Okaaaay let's getting ready now!" She recovered, bringing out her chirpy voice.

I groaned.

She dug into my walk in closet and luckily for me, I had stashed all my dresses in the very back. I laughed to myself, thinking she would never find them.

She proved me wrong when she grinned with my dresses and immediately I flinched, seeing the dress I wore on the day my boyfriend left me. In 8th grade. Perhaps we may have been to young but I loved him. To this day, he believes I cheated on him according to Kristi. I quickly hid my face and mumbled lucky find.

She rolled her eyes and forced me to sit on the floor while she did my makeup. She gaped when she saw how beautiful my eyes were and I flinched the second time, thinking she would have the jealous look in her eyes, but she didn't. She smiled and remarked "your eyes are beautiful Lily!"

After what seemed like forever and having my eye poked so many times, she gave me a mirror and grinned. I stared into it, shocked. Wow it's been a while since I wore makeup and looked at my full face for as long as I did. She laughed at my face and moved on to the dresses.

She choose a black strapless one, that reached my kness. Simple yet beautiful, I thought of the dress. She handed it to me and I put it on, careful not to ruin my makeup.

As I stepped out, her jaw dropped a second time. This time she kept it there for 3 seconds before recovering. "Wow. You look-- so beautiful" She exclaimed and ran up to me hugging me. In shock, tears started forming in her eyes and she asked, "how did I get so lucky to have a fun, amazing, smart and beautiful best friend!"

I raised one eyebrow and looked at her in joy. She rarely teared up. I smiled and hugged her back.

By the time we were done with everything, it was 4:53 P.M and she hsd curled my hair into perfection. She rushed home, preparing herself. I offered to go but she denied it, telling me her parents were home and would see me. Her parents loved me and she knew if I stayed, they would ask questions on my appearance. Juls would be back at 6, to pick me up.


6:02 P.M

A car honked and I grabbed my black heels to match my dress, and told Mom I was going out. She took a double take when she saw me. She immediately started balling her eyes out and managed to choke out- "you look so stunning."

In reaction, my eyes started tearing up but I quickly stopped myself, knowing I would ruin my makeup. I hugged her and went outside for my ride.


How'd you guys like this chapter? Lily is finally going to go to a party and reveal how she looks behind her hoodie. But will people recognize her ? Who knows (; (2 chapters in a day whoop whoop)

(p.s the picture on the top is how Lily looks like with her hair curled and etc, how she's going to the party but pretend she's wearing a strapless black dress)

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