Dont Mess With Cloudtail

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Brambleclaw: Cloudtail is a bad whisperer

Cloudtail: mer

Brambleclaw: Cloudtail is a bad eater

Cloudtail: nut TRU

Brambleclaw: Cloudtail is from ThisIslandDoesNotExist

Cloudtail: I'm from England

Brambleclaw: Cloudtail has a w-

Cloudtail: Hold your tongue pretty kitty!

Brambleclaw: Cloudtail has a war-

Cloudtail: *hisses*

Brambleclaw: *speaks really fast* CLOUDTAIL HAS A WART ON HIS TAIL!

Cloudtail: *turns into Cloud-Hulk* AGH DONT MESS WITH CLOUDTAIL

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