
9 1 0

Karia James
i didn't sleep at all the night before.
derek was busy asking questions about joshua and all that which makes me really happy.
he's already making an effort.

"what's his favorite color?", derek asked as he stood in boxers munching on a piece of toast.
"why don't you ask him yourself? you're seeing him today if we're there in time, tomorrow at the latest", i smile.
smiling back looking genuinely happy, he came up behind me.
"you're so beautiful. i bet joshua's gunna break loads of hearts given the fact that we're both fine as fuck", he kissed my neck and smiled into it.

"i'm finer than you of course", he winks.
"oh really?"
"yeah", he smiles.
"then why do i smell bullshit?", i wrap my arms around his neck.
"shut up", he laughs and his dimples make another appearance.
God i love his dimples.

"i need to change out of this", i say looking down at myself.
"i'm in my freaking underwear!",i exclaim.
"and you look fucking sexy in it. it looked better on my floor though"
our noses touch and we smile at each other.
"are you saying your floor looks sexier in this than me?"
"oh no, no no!", he says frantically,"i meant-"
"whatever, i'm going to change", i say turning around.
his large hand wraps around my wrist and pulls me back into him.
"kiss me first", he says.
i lean in and he meets me halfway.
when i try to pull away he grabs my ass and squeezes, making me moan.
"we can continue this in my shower", he says.
"fine by me"
"hurry up karia!", derek, yelled from the driver's seat.
"jeez, calm your tits man", I replied, lugging a huge bag of snacks and clothes into the trunk.
climbing into the passenger seat, i buckled up and derek started the car.
"where're we going again?",he asked.
"um, maybe i should drive", i suggested with a smile.
"yeah, you right", he says and gets out of the driver's seat.

the drive goes smoothly until we get to a petrol station.
we both climb out to get snacks and drinks.
after picking out a couple of waters and bags of chips and cookies we head to the till.

behind the counter sits a blonde girl, around 18-19 years old with her work shirt unbuttoned at the first three.

she looks derek up and down and leans forward causing her breasts to swell to the front.

"hey, what can i help you with?", she winks at Derek, completely ignoring me.

"we have a couple things to ring up", derek replies and passes on the stuff.
resting his elbows on the counter, he leans forward and watches her to her fucking job.

once she's done she leans forward again.
the receipt prints out and she scribbles something on it and hands it to derek.
"see you later", she winks and stands.
"maybe", Derek replies.

the receipt is squished between his hand and the bag of food. he puts the bag down but keeps the receipt.

silently fuming although i have no reason to be, i climb into the front seat and begin to drive.

we're about five miles away from my aunt's place when he pulls the receipt out and types what was on it into his contacts.
the little bitch gave him her number.

my hands clench around the steering wheel and I grind my teeth together.
i shouldn't even be so fucking angry but i'll be damned if i'm chill with this.

"hey can you pass me the receipt",i say.
"what for?"
"just making sure she didn't over charge us",i respond.
"she didn't so chill",he replies and goes back to texting.
"just let me see the damn receipt!"

"why the hell not?!"
we veer off the road and i park.
"because what? what's so fucking important about a fucking receipt from a cashier with big boobs?"

"the fact that her number's on it", he says.

i start the engine and begin to drive before realizing that i don't even fucking know where we are.
"fuck what?",derek asks.
"just fuck the fuck up, we're fucking lost!"

"i thought you knew this place?"
"i only know the fucking direct route because i've never had to go anywhere else here! my son has always been in one place"

"you mean our son",he says.
"no derek, i mean my son. you were never there for him. you're a stranger to him"
his face falls before he pulls it together and yells.
"i didn't even know about him!"
"because you fucking left without even telling me! i was going to tell you on the day you left but you were just gone. fucking all kinds of hoes just like that cashier".

i'm greeted by silence.
i look up to find derek already looking at me.
"this is about her?", he asks.
"yes it fucking is! you just found out you have a son and you aren't even going to put your fuckboying on hold"

"i wasn't going to fuck her!"
"then why the fuck are you texting her?!"
"it pays to have a back up when the girl you love says it isn't love"
"because it isn't! i loved you okay? i loved you as in past tense because I had to find a way to not love you because you left me and i knew you didn't love me back! then you show up and claim to love me and shit but all you wanted was my fucking body again! and i fucking gave it to you again because i can't give you my heart because you'll just fuck it up and fuck some hoe and leave me in the dust again!", i sigh.
a couple tears have rolled down my cheeks leaving shiny tear tracks on my skin.
derek is silent and so am i.
jealousy is an evil thing.
and so is love.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2016 ⏰

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