dear seven year old me

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Dear seven year old me,

I pray you forgive her

She destroyed your sweet soul, but I swear to God she never meant it

She was defenceless against the poison of the world dripping down her spine

Finger nails scraped at her throat, brilliant ribbons of red standing proud against her stained skin

Love escaped her body as quick as heat when chisels carved hate into her heart

Dear seven year old me,

I pray you forgive her

Bigots stripped her of her identity and sense of self, after finding any at all

Religion: spat upon, Race: laughed at, Gender: Degraded to no end

How was she to keep her head held high and reach for the stars

When every time she looked up the soles of people's shoes crushed her back into the ground

Dear seven year old me,

I pray you forgive her

Society left her shattered in no time with mere whispers of self loathing breathed down her neck

Hairs stood on end, violent fear wrapped itself around her mind, claiming its new home

Young souls were always more open, more susceptible to allow hatred's tricks and games

It ate her up from the inside out, just like it did to every other girl it laid it's cracked hands upon

Dear seven year old me,

I pray you forgive her

The girl you've grown to become

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