Chapter 2: The First Move

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"His majesty makes a mistake, by showing mercy to these rebel bastards. We must show no mercy! We need to strike now! Right at this moment! Do not worry about the bloodshed"

"No minister, Ahmad. We must destroy the whole city, rebuild from ground up. Once there's no city, they will not attack."

"Are you mad, minister Ranish? That is utter madness to destroy the city completely!"

After being lead across the large court yard on the gold palanquin, by the four male attendants, they set me at the steps of the throne room. Slowly I step off of the palanquin and looked up at the large hall with grand red doors and the onion dome glazed tiled roof , with the two guards whose faces looked stolid in an unpleasant manner, were dressed from head to toe in silver armor, only leaving their dark black hair exposed and tied in a bun. Each of them, wielding long swords at their side, standing in between the two close doors, I looked at the large marble slab of the dragon that had been carved into it, between the stairway.

Through the doors I heard father's advisors debating on how to control the rebels, and before I knew it, they bursted into a argument. I sighed as I lifted my heavy ornamented head up high, while staring to put my hands into a gesture, lifting my arms to my chest and folding my left hand into a fist and delicately resting my right hand over my left, with one foot after the other I made my way for the top of the stairs to enter the hall, as a light breeze blew over my skin, making the gold ornaments onto me jingle like tiny bells. While I walked, both guards separated themselves apart and gestured kindly to me as they began pushing the heavy doors apart, making a heavy thud as the round gold door handles clanged agaisnt it.

As I made it to the top of the stairs, I slowly walked in mid through the open door, provoking everyone to freeze as the whole hall went silent, all turning their heads towards me, at the huge door way. It was almost as if they saw a ghost. Before I knew it, minister Ahmad or uncle Ahmad, as I call him, bowed down. Soon enough everyone in the room except my father, who sat down onto his throne, made of gold in the shape of a peacock, and studded with precious gemstones and pearls, atop of the heavily ornamented dais, bowed down to me. Soon I made my way down the long gilded walkway with a pond filled with a few koi fish that ran along the walk way leading to the stairs of the dais.

As I nimble walked down the walkway I felt all of the ministers eyes bare upon me, as they sat down along both sides of the walkway and pond next to the large red columns, giving me a strange feeling as I contiued to hold my head up and my hands still into gesture as I looked forward to the three jewel studded golden chairs, with my father sitting onto the largest one in the middle, his smiling glimmering like a thousand bright suns, as he held his head high haughtily and extended his right hand to me.

"Come my dear princess" father said proudly, as I looked down on my left leg while I lifted up my garment with my left hand and extending my right hand to grasp father, with a smile, as I started walking up the steps of the Dais.

As I finally reached the top of the Dais, father continued to hold my hand, guiding me to my seat, which was to his right. As I sat on my throne, I felt how cold the chair was, as I tried to shuffle around to find comfort, due to the rough ridges of the gemstones in the gold seat. Soon a servant swiftly came out of nowhere from behind, and I felt my heavy crown on top of my head. My entire head felt as if it was to fall off. So much of the heavy ornaments made my head feel already weighted and now the crown made it feel worse.

May the Iliza Dynasty endure a thousand more years!" All of the advisors yelled out as they each got up from their seats, and began kowtowing, before they sat down and looked on at father and I conversing in one another's ear.

"How's my daughter, today? "

"I'm doing well papa, thank you. Where is Prince Suliman?" I responded as I looked to father's right, and saw he was absent from his throne.

"Ah, your brother, is practicing his dancing with the courtesans, my dear. He should've been here though because today is a important discussion. I will have to have his practice arranged for earlier in the day, he needs to learn how the court works." Father said sternly.

" Well remember we are still children." I reasoned with him, hoping that he will change his mind and also give me a break from duty.

"Still both of you are old enough to learn somethings, besides both of you need to starting learning from now if you both are to rule the empire, especially since you will be empress and he will be a de facto emperor." Father responded.

"You there! Father yelled as he pointed out to a attendant standing at the side of the Dais.

"Go call my son now. And tell him if he does not come immediately to court I will drag him here myself! Gratitude!" Father contiued as I looked at him and the servant.

As we awaited brother to come, I decided to end the awkward silence in the room, and continue with the matters at court.

"As I was walking to court, I heard all of you arguing. If you think arguing is going to solve our problems it won't. The reasonable thing to do is, do what my grandfather didn't. Do any of you know what he didn't do? "

Everyone in the court including my father looked confused as I questioned them. I looked around the room, hoping someone would come up with a logical answer. God knows I didn't know what I was saying, and what to tell them, when I said this. It's as if, I had no control over my tongue, I do know, I just wanted the confusion to end in court. I summoned one of the servants to get me a cup of cool water, I felt my body heat up and get tense, as all eyes were on me, like a cobra looking at its prey, ready to bite!

"Grandfather didn't stop the rebels from attempting to form their own kingdoms. As well as destroy the other smaller kingdoms that existed under his reign. He failed to unify island under one empire! This is what we must do, in order to end all this bloodshed. We must take down these small kingdom states, and find the cause of these rebels wanting to end the Iliza dynasty. Once all of this done, we can focus on our biggest threat Sikappon."

After a long while the servant came with my cup of water. As I drank the water, it felt like shards going down my throat. Nervousness began setting into my body, and I began shaking slightly enough for me to notice, but not enough for anyone else to notice. My heart started to beat faster, then normally. Father replied soon.

"Not because she's my daughter or the next in line to succeed me, but I do agree with her. And it's quite logical. Now what we have to focus on after two days time, is how to attack! If anyone opposes what Alia says, please do so. As you know, I don't issue punishment for your thoughts."

No one stood up, as I internally sighed in relief, inshallah, if I take my father's place on the throne, maybe I won't be such a bad leader after all. After coming out of thought, the heavy gilded court doors bursted open, there was my brother, with his long dark brown hair, and white garments with heavy gold necklaces hanging from his neck, looking sweaty and out of breath from dancing and rushing to reach to court, as he looked at father and I, and us returning back our blank stares at him, along with everyone who turned in their head in one direction looking at him.

I actually wanted to laugh upon seeing him, but I knew it was the wrong time to laugh as I turned to father, and saw that he carried mixed emotions on his face, so I quickly grabbed my fan that was nearby, flashing it in front of my face, attempting to hide my face incase I couldn't hold in my laughter anymore. It turned evening by now and it was time for the evening prayers, for Muslims. I heard the beautiful songs of prayer come from the mosques in the city, telling everyone it was time for prayer.

"Court is over my son. I will have a talk with you later tonight, so disburst yourself to wherever you plan to go." Father said softly.

Father motioned to the court they were able to leave, and thus ended court for the day, I was glad court was done for the day.

I am exhausted, I thought to myself.

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