Fifteen┃I'm Straight? Right?

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Walking up one the weirdest houses I had ever seen(in some games way dirtier by the way this is a castle in comperiation) my head almost hit the wall, yeah, the door is low, I can't excalty walk right through it as some people. Vicente gave me a glare, I shrugged it off.

There where a table in the middle of the room, a few bookshelves filled to the brink full of books. A stank of old three hit my nose strongly, I squinted while I noticed the light was far lower than I had expected. Absentmindly I stoke the books on the bookshelvs, as far my awesome eyes could see I didn't see one single game, not even a old 1996 game. Vicente tapped my shoulder as I turned towards him irritated. "What?"

"Sit down, do I have to remind you of using 'Sir', Newborn?" He commaned to me. I rolled my eyes at him. Jesus(no offense Jesus, I am sure you was a great leader, now let me think for a second), is it normal to feel I want to bang someone's head against the wall? No? Only me? Cool.

"Of course, sir," I put a joking tune on 'sir' while watching his anger grow is 100 of 100 worth it. He gripped tight around my wrist leading me to sit down on one of the chairs.

"Control freak," I mumbled under my breath. Micheal stood still looking up and down the whole room.

"Do you know what our lives remains me of? Aliens meting Twilight," he grinned towards me. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes AGAIN. Wanda and Juna took their places in the remaining chairs.

"Are you the Newborn?" The man asked me. Oh come on man, I wanted to enjoy the fairytail feeling a little bit longer not be asked about the most boring thing in the world.

"Yes, one of many. I am sure you get one for five bucks," I winked Vicente looked ready to bite my head off. But I love that, every time I played a good game I killed the player on purpose. No, I was not a troll the same can't be said about my friend Micheal though.

"Are you child from the propecy?"

"I do remenber to almost getting killed, if that counts?" I lifted my feet up the ground and up the table. Juna was not amused by my flawless acting, I desvere a Oscar seriously.

"This is a serious conversation," the man folded his hands on the table and his glare was I-am-not-done-with-you.

"Of course, do remind me."

Vicente facepalmed, Juna smiled to Wanda as Micheal started laughing. Ah see? Job done, now onto the boring stuff.

"If Vicente as here told me, whatever he is right or not is another matter. Are you the child that will stop the corruption from the elder vampires?"

Now he definitely had my interest. I leant forward on my elbows on that I had put up on my knees. He talked in a langauge I understood(the strategic kind of talk). "Would be nice to know-"

"You have to mate for the effect to set in," the mysterious man abrupted me.

If I had water right now I would spat it at the man's face out of pure surprise. A uneasy feeling settled in my stomach. Already my mind calculated the reasons it would not work.

"Mating with who? I am more into werewolves, " Micheal asked out of curiousity. I can't blame him; I wanted to know as well.

The man sighed. Wanda answered in his place. "To a vampire's true mate, these kind you read in mainstream media is far from it. Each vampire has their unique DNA because it's a sickness. The poision might kill the bearer if he or she don't feed on humans in time. Blood from labratories work but not as good like human blood. Once two vampires mate, they are bound for life."

"Is good, the mating," Juna informed them I was really out of element now. Only Micheal read girl stuff to impress them, I am fucked.

"G-good? This gives me no choice," I hissed angry. At least it wasn't mainstream bullcrap I had thrown out the window (if there had been one).

"You have a choice." Vicente's voice calmed down my tense muscles I took a mintue to gain control overmyself.

"If you don't find the mate you are still free to do whatever you want. What changes once you have mate both of our dead souls will reunite as we live in two different bodies," Vicente contiuned.

"The sex most be awesome," I said stunned as imagined how his light touches would turn firmer, harder against my chest as they traveled down...

I mentally slapped myself. Breath Ethan, you are straight remenber? I like boobs.

"Beyond words," Vicente nodded towards me. Juna and Wanda exhanged a stare again.

"You owe me 15 bucks," Wanda opened her palm. Juna sighed. They exhanged the money as I slowly realised what they had been betting about.

"You were betting on us?" My voice raised a few octaves.

"Yes, if you were gay or straight. Unfortuanly, one of us has the unfair advantage to see the future," Juna commented as she had exhanged her money to her friend. Micheal looked ready to ask a thounsand questions.

Again a flash of grief weightened on my heart, how I flirted with girls only to have each of them turn me down and flock to Micheal. It hurted still. That my family and friends where gone forever just because I had stayed a little longer at the game shop.

"I am okay," I said to Vicente, what stopped me in my tracks for leaving was how Vicente had taken my arm as he used his surprior force to make our lips clash togheter. It was a brief kiss on the lips but my mind went completely blank. Then it was over. Four shocked faces stared at us quicker than I thought was possible I ran out the first door I found.

My lips still felt his mouth against mine. My head raced however I struggled to keep my dizzy mind under control. That reminds me, I need blood. A scent reached my nose, I could hear the hearts as if they were right next to me. I sneered as the fangs came out of my mouth in that second my eyes had a much better focus than before.

I felt before I saw Vicente's impact to my body. We were both breathing heavily in the small corrdior I wanted to break into pieces with my bare hands.

"Blood, I want blood," I pleaded.

Vicente crocked his neck to the side as he leant towards the tree. My fingers unclenched and clenched. I bowed my head so my fangs were straight under his neck. Vicente's body relaxed underneath my hungry fingers. I bit into his neck and his body shook from the power behind my hands.

The blood tasted like the best chocolate cake I had ever eaten, his flavor exploding in my mouth. My fingeres held onto him for dear life.

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