Strange Encounters

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WOW. Can't believe this was my first story, omg, so embarrassing. It was originally added on March 12, 2012. So this is going to have a lot of changes, the style will change as well. But I hope you all enjoy this so much! I am fixing this story, hopefully, it will remain enjoyable to those who loved it. :) enjoy x.

"Elena, get up!" Amber said as she yanked the blankets off of her cousin.

"Alright, I'm up, you brat!" Elena said, her brown eyes shot up at the girl. Once she had gotten out of bed, she looked at her phone, "Matt said, he's on his way." She put her phone down as she got herself ready for the day.

"Great, just what I needed." Amber spoke as she began to brush her hair, quietly hissing as she tugged on a knot. Her curls bounced back as she ran it through one last time.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Elena took offense from her cousin's comment, she snatched the brush from her hand. Amber rolled her eyes as she scoffed, muttering under her breath as she looked in the mirror.

"I have to watch you and Matt kiss," She spoke out before she walked out of the bathroom. She centered her necklace before she walked down the stairs, she was greeted by a frantic Jenna. "You okay, Jenna?" She furrowed her eyebrows as Jenna nodded.

"Elena! Matt is here. You guys better get going before you're late." Jenna spoke out as she threw her hair up in a bun. She sent a quick smile to the two before they left.

"Bye, Jenna" The brunette followed behind Elena to the truck Matt was in. Her eyes rolled as she saw the couple kiss. "Really guys?" She muttered, only to be ignored.

"Matty!" Elena said before she planted another kiss on Matt's lips. Amber coughed finally causing them to pull apart. The trio took off and headed towards school.

Shortly after the trio had arrived at Mystic Falls High, Amber spotted one of her best friends, she ran over to the brown haired girl. She threw her arms around the small girl as she smiled widely.

"Bonnie, oh my, I missed you so much." She spoke as she kept her arms around her, squeezing her slightly. After a few moments, she slowly released her arms from around her. She took a step back before she stood next to her, the two walked down the hallway.

"So Grams, is telling I'm a witch, but she was drinking so I kind of tuned out." The two girls laughed as she mentioned her grandma. The both of them looked into the office, their eyes fixed on a guy who wore a leather jacket. Amber zoned out as she took in the features she was able to see of the mystery man.

"Who is that?" Bonnie said as she gently nudged Amber. The Cruz girl shrugged as she kept her eyes on the leather material.

"I don't know but all I see is back." Amber muttered out as she crossed her arms, "Maybe he's new here?" She looked at Bonnie as she raised one of her eyebrows.

"A hot back!" Bonnie said, the brown haired girl smiled as she heard her comment. Her smile dropped when she noticed Jeremy walk into the bathroom. She rolled her eyes as she cleared her throat.

"I'll be back," She said before she walked over to the bathroom, she ignored the fact that it was the men's room as she entered it. She scoffed as she stood angrily in front of Jeremy. "Are you stoned?" She rolled her eyes, "Seriously, Jeremy. You need to get your shit together." She spoke out as she released his jaw from her hold, which she didn't even realize she did.

"Back off, Amber." Jeremy spat as he looked at her, "Just stay out of my business." He pushed past her as he stomped off. Amber exhaled sharply as she ran her fingers through her hair.

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