Death and Destruction

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Magic and curse.

These two words had been a part of my life.

My messed childhood life. I was too young to understand what happening in my surrounding that time but became clear to me when I witnessed those unbearable scenes that will never be erased in the back of my memories. Especially how Rahovart killed my parents. And destroyed my kingdom.

I will tell you about what happened nine years ago...

Nine years ago

The armies of Nybass were mercilessly slaughtering hundreds of innocents people; children, young adults and even the fragile old men and women. Blood showering everywhere. Not a single ground can escape from the smears of blood and the houses were burning down to ashes.

I could hear the screams, cries and begging from all the victims. I wanted to do something to protect and save them but my feet frozen on the floor as I keep watching from the palace window.

The defenders of Vadhalla summoned beasts like chimera, cynocepalus, golem, manticore, and orthos to fight along; magic elements of water, fire, earth and wind honed by the magician warriors, and other magical powers. Our armies were fighting back, defending and protecting our people from those ugly animals.

But it was all useless.
The enemies were winning.

As I fearfully keep my little eyes on it, my grandfather Jamison, the former king of Vadhalla, pulled me away from the window. Away from the most gruesome scene I ever seen.

"Neva! You better get out of here". His voice quivered in panic. Without waiting for my reply, he cradled me into his arms like I'm his precious treasure and run as fast as he can towards the palace dungeon at the back garden.

My Queen Mother Adena was there with four palace guards, waiting for me. She hugged me tightly and looked at my grandfather, her father-king in law in desperation. "Where's Sebastian?"

"He's fighting right there". Grandfather told her then he changed the topic. "He told me take your daughter to Meadow Village and stay there and wait for our army general Requiem Stryker to arrive to your place. So he could protect you two. I will stay here and fight along with my son Sebastian". Grandfather patted my head. "I think Rahovart intentionally attacked the kingdom to kill Neva".

Grandfather suddenly panicked by his own words and said to the four guards, "Take them now! Get them out of here! You knew where's the secret passage way". He told my mother as he gave me a quick kiss in the forehead. "Hurry up and flee as fast as you can!"

Just then before we could make a step, a deep voice interrupted. "Look who's escaping?"

A tall, slender, muscular man with dark mist eyes ermerged behind my grandfather with fifteen men in red and black dragon scaled armored uniform. They were wearing creepy, well polished black porcelain mask to hide their faces.

The man who spoke has long silver hair adorned with vulture's feathers and bronze crown with a long, purple and black headband to hold it back. His form-fitting black armor resembled dragon and snake, and he wore dark boots lined with with gray furs.

Grandfather glared at him and gritted his teeth angrily. "Rahovart!"

The man whom my gandfather called Rahovart smirked, acknowledging him. "Good to see you again Jamison. Now, give me the Princess Neva Florencia Nightingale". He said to him while his eyes darted at me.

Scared, I hid myself behind my mother.

He looked at my mother in playful expression for a few second then said to her. "Step aside, I want your little daughter".

The Revenge Of NevaOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant