Chapter 1: Lorelei and the Creation of the Scar Faced Ishvallan!

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[Lorelei's POV]

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[Lorelei's POV]

The Ishvalan War was the bloodiest war in history. I'd never seen so much pain, anger and death. Ten years ago, the Ishvalan people fought the Amestrian Military. Students of religion versed what the Ishvalans called the hands of science but were known as Alchemists. According to the stories, a soldier of the Amestrian military killed an innocent child causing a rise in riots which brought bloodshed. Of course, at the time, I'd only heard of it from travelers. Thirteen years ago, I was just a young teenager of the age of fifteen living in Xing, where I was taught Alkahestry. Within three years, I was banished for a misunderstanding and I left my home and journeyed to the West.

After what seemed like an endless trek through the desert I arrived in Ishval. That's when I found the destruction being made. The smell was suffocating as Ishvalans were just slaughtered before my very eyes. I couldn't do anything except hide and hope that I wasn't found. While hidden, I discovered a man with dark skin and red eyes. He was ushering his family to get to safety as he spoke with his brother. I figured that out with how they spoke to one another. I could barely react before a man wearing a white outfit attacked them.

Before I knew it, ten years had passed and I was no longer a teenager, I was in my mid-twenties. I wore a black cloak over my head and shoulders as I watched the very same man from the shadows. After that happened, he received a scar on his face, in the shape of an 'X' that gave him his new name. I've been watching him for ten years ever since I saved his life by taking him to a medical tent. After ten years of wandering, Scar begins attacking the Amestrian state alchemists before going after the famous and young Fullmetal.

The boy's name was Edward Elric and he traveled with his young brother by a year and a half named Alphonse. He happened upon them in East City after he'd killed a man by the name of Shou Tucker and his chimera abomination. Upon learning of the knowledge that Scar murdered the chimera, Edward was no longer focused on escaping. He fought as hard as he could. I watch from above as their battle rages on. Other soldiers arrive to help and I watch from above Scar, but out of view of the others. He escapes into the sewers. In the confusion, I rush to the closest manhole and I jump down unaware that Scar was standing in the darkness at the bottom. He was injured, but that didn't stop him from grabbing me and slamming me against the closest wall.

[Normal POV]

Lorelei flinches as she's slammed against the wall. Her eyes open before widening in shock. She let out a small gasp as she stared at him with sheer terror in her eyes. Their movement had knocked the cloak off her head where it pooled around her shoulders.

"Who are you?" He asks, "Who are you working for?" Lorelei's eyes were fixated on the hand that he had been using in order to kill state alchemists that was poised towards her face ready to strike. She lets out a scared breath as she quickly speaks.

"My name is Lorelei! I've been following you since the war, but... I'm not working for anyone, I swear!" Lorelei says.

"Why are you following me?" Scar asks as he doesn't budge.

"I... I wanted to be there for you, if you needed me." Lorelei says.

"Only a fool would seek out death." Scar says.

"If you were truly death, then I'd be dead already." Lorelei says and Scar drops his hand before stepping back and releasing her.

"You know what I mean." Scar says.

"I might be a fool, but I can help you find him. The alchemist is truly responsible for killing your family and it will be free of charge." Lorelei says.

"How do you know about that?" Scar asks.

"I happened upon the attack on your family just before he attacked. I was there... I couldn't stop it." Lorelei says.

"How do I know you aren't one of the alchemists who slaughtered my people?" Scar asks.

"Look at my face and hair. I hail from Xing." Lorelei says and Scar looks her over. He looks away as he takes her word for it.

"More importantly... I saw his face, better than you could have." Lorelei says, "I'm also responsible for why you are still alive."

"Hmm?" Scar asks.

"I... brought you to the tent for medical care because... I feared I wouldn't be able to save you myself. Even with my healing Alkahestry." Lorelei says as she looks at her hand. Silence ensued across the two of them.

"Do what you want." He says before he walks away. Lorelei follows silently behind.

Later, shortly before dawn, Lorelei stops behind him as a sound of something approaching them in the tunnel comes to their ears. Scar looks back and sees Lorelei standing there. She guessed he was making sure that it wasn't her. He looks around as he gets ready as they hear a hissing sound.

"Get out of here." He says.

"You're injured. You need help." Lorelei says before she's pushed into the sewage water. Scar begins fighting off the creature as Lorelei swims away. She gets a pretty good distance before she climbs out and looks back. The tunnel suddenly collapses as Scar uses his arm to stop the creature from following him. He collapses as Lorelei rushes over to him. She lifts him the best she can and she drags him to safety. He comes to and ignores the pain and walks on his own. Lorelei walks after him with worried eyes.

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