Chapter 1

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"Maybe I don't want to live with you anymore you asshole!" You screamed.

"Maybe You should just leave then!" He yelled back.

"Maybe I will!!" You shouted as you started stomping to your shared room. You started packing a few things into your bag as you heard him start to bang on the door, yelling at you to open it.

This whole fight was nonsense. You weren't really fighting about the topic though, for a few months now, ever since the new neighbor had moved in, your relationship has been tense. Your boyfriend has become more possessive and you were sick of it. Every time you seemed to talk to the neighbor, he went out in a jealous rage. Not to mention that you never said anything when he disappeared for an hour or two when he would "go do the laundry downstairs". Once you went down to check on him and he seemed very close to one of the other women in the building.

After that you had a long chat and he said he wouldn't do it anymore, but he still is gone for hours at a time, claiming he's doing the laundry. His current argument is that he doesn't want your clothes to get stolen, but even if they were the building manager would look at the tapes and they would be found. That's besides the point that you trust nearly everyone in your building.

You packed a few shirts and bottoms along with your brush and undergarments. You quickly you made your way to the connected bathroom and grabbed your toothbrush and toothpaste before zipping up your bag. You glanced at the door as you sat down on the bed. He didn't sound like he was going to stop anytime soon as he kept on yelling profanities at you.

You sighed, looking out the window as an idea popped into your head. You made your way over to the window with your bag over your shoulder. You tried to open it smoothly so it wouldn't make a sound, but as usual, it squeaked loudly.

His shouting stopped in an instant as he realized what you were doing and you heard him run to the kitchen. You slipped out of the window and quickly closed it as fast as you could. You knew he was going to grab a toothpick so he could unlock the door and when you looked back you could see it twisting.

You looked around and saw the ladder, and started to take it down but then you heard the your bedroom door swing open and you knew you needed to go somewhere else. You looked around and saw a window open and ran towards it,  opening it a little bit more so you could get through. You fell on the floor as who's apartment it was came to mind. It was particularly embarrassing to see a crowd of boys in  his living room when you looked up.

"Hide me" you blurted as you got up and ran behind a wall, just in time for your boyfriend to miss seeing you. You heard him lean down to the window and ask the boys if they had seen you politely.

You saw a few glance your way as your neighbor answered quickly, "No, why? Are you playing a game of hide and seek or something?"

Your boyfriend gave a harsh laugh "I guess you could say that". He looked around the room and decided you weren't here and left. "Well thanks anyways"

You let out a sigh of relief as your neighbor went over to the window and closed it, pulling the curtains out.

"Thanks Jaehyun" You breathed as you headed towards the door.

"Wait" You heard him say as he grabbed your wrist, turning you around. "Why are you hiding from him?"

"Why do you think? Couldn't you hear us yelling?"

Jaehyun nodded his head as he took that into consideration "but why didn't you just go leave your own apartment? Why'd you come through the window?" He asked, concern lacing his voice.

"he wouldn't move from in front of the door" you explained.

"Well" He said, leading you over to the couch " Why don't you hang out here for a while, he's probably roaming the halls right now" Jaehyun said as he took your bag and set it by the wall.

"Oh No! I wouldn't want to intrude on you and your friends." You exclaimed turning away, but Jaehyun caught your arm and turned you back.

"Come on Y/N, you've already jumped through the window" Jaehyun Whined, giving you puppy dog eyes as you looked at the company he had.

They all looked pretty attractive and there were a few girls here and there, but only a fraction of the boys.

"Okay" you gave in, sitting down in the only empty spot.

"That's where I was sitting..."Jaehyun mumbled as he went to go get another chair.

"Oh! You can sit here sorry! I didn't know." You exclaimed as you got up and went to go grab the chair yourself.

"Ah, It's okay" Jaehyun replied as you opened the door and saw that all of his movable chairs were gone.

"Oh no" you worried, seeing that there wouldn't be enough room.

"Don't worry," Jaehyun whispered pulling you in closer to him" you can sit on me if you want" he smirked as he walked away. You stood there stunned.

"I was kidding" he laughed coming back to see you still shocked. "You can sit there I think I have a bean bag in my room or something"

"Um..okay" you muttered, face flushed from his little joke.

You headed back to the living room and sat back down, hoping that your cheeks had settled down my now.

"Ah, here I am!" Jaehyun proclaimed as he threw a bean bag on the floor and plopped down on it.

"friends, this is Y/N. Y/N these are my friends. That's Doyoung, Ten, Taeyong, Johnny, Yuta, Irene, Seulgi, Joy , Wendy and Hansol." Jaehyun introduced.

You smiled at each of them and waved as they did the same to you.

"So you're Jaehyun's...?" the boy named Johnny asked.

"Neighbor" you said in unison with Jaehyun.

"Oh! I thought you were dating or something" Wendy laughed making both Jaehyun and yourself blush.

"No, she's dati-"

"No, I'm not dating anyone right now" you laughed along, leaving Jaehyun confused.

"Oh! Up for grabs!" Ten giggled as the rest of the group laughed.

"So how do you guys know each other?" You asked all of them.

"We work together." Taeyong stated, glancing between you Jaehyun and Ten.

"Where do you work?" You asked, looking at all of them, it must've been fun.

"We work for an entertainment company." Jaehyun answered, making you remember him mentioning that a few months ago when you met.

"That's right! I totally forgot!" you gasped.

"Yep! We've all been working there for quite sometime. We're expecting some promotions soon." Ten smiled.

"Nice, you should tell me when there's a job opening or something." you told Jaehyun as he nodded in agreement.

"So has anyone eaten yet?" Jaehyun asked the group.

a round of 'No's and 'I wish' went around the circle as they all answered him. You stayed quiet, making Jaehyun look at you.

"What about you?"

"No, but I'm not very hungry" you replied, looking over  his friends again. They all looked to be older than him, but they were all so nice. They girls were gorgeous and you felt a little awkward around them since it was obvious that you weren't up to par. Even the boys looked amazing. It intensified when they were all together like this too.

"Why don't you still come with us?" Yuta asked, helping you up as they all walked to the door to get shoes on.

"Are you sure? I don't want to intrude on anything"

"Y/N, you came through the window, how much more intruding can you get?" Jaehyun laughed.

"Besides, we need a few more girls to even out our teams." Hansol explained.

"It especially helps that you're unbelievably pretty!" Irene gushed.

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