Just Imagine (short story)

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Just Imagine

Imagine a boy. He's 15, and attending the local public high school as a freshman. He gets average grades, has a girlfriend who he really likes, and is average looking. He has no siblings, but his parents are still together. He's a fortunate boy necessity wise; he had a nice house, clothes, his parents have enough money to sent him to college, but he's not filthy rich; middle class. He's also an amazing musician. He started playing when he was in first grade, and even went to special schools for his talent. He plays guitar, bass, piano, and drums really well, and many other instruments, although not at well or as often. He has a future.

Now imagine that same kid. He goes to school, and even though he has plenty of friends, everyone makes fun of him. They call him mean names, and make fun of his dreams to become a famous musician. He lives with it for a while, but when he reached high school, it just got too bad. People made fun of him even more; people who didn't even know who he really was.

One day it got to be too much. His depression overwhelmed him. He hung himself.

People at school learned of this the next day. There was little laughter in the halls, and everyone's thoughts turned toward him. No one understood why he killed himself; they were just joking. Saying things for a laugh. Didn't he realize that?

It wasn't ever funny though, and it wasn't a good laugh. People need to realize this. Making fun of someone for their dreams is never funny. People need dreams; it's how they live and cope with life. So next time you want to make fun of someone's dream, think of this boy. This talented boy, who had a full future ahead of him, until people drove him to killing himself. Because when someone kills themselves, it affects more people than they think; it affects the whole entire community. Even those who did not know him.

So stop and think next time you are thinking of saying something. You might find it funny, but they don't.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2010 ⏰

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