Fan Meets Bias - Hyungwon x Reader

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Pairing: Hyungwon x Reader
Rating: PG - 13
Genre: Romance

You were so excited. It's been a while since you felt like you needed a break and finally it was time. Your boss finally allowed you to take a week off and you immediately booked a trip straight to Hawaii. You didn't even bother to check the price of the plane ticket since you were so desperate to get out of the boring and stressful routine of just waking up to work. Rinse and repeat.

Ticket in hand, you pull your carry on behind you and step into the plane. You pass and say hello to the flight attendants and walk down the aisle into the last row of first class seats. You take your luggage and put it into the compartment over your seat. You sit into the chair closest to the window and already, this feels like paradise. There was still an empty seat next to you and you wonder who was gonna sit there. You close your eyes and let this peaceful moment sink in, just in case that person wasn't gonna be pleasant. You never know.

After a few moments you hear someone stop in front of your row and sit down. You take a peek at who your flight buddy will be and you sit in shock. It's Hyungwon from Monsta X. He's wearing a pretty simple outfit that composes of a black leather jacket over a t-shirt and some pale blue, ripped jeans. You squeal in your head but you try to stay composed so your first impression isn't ruined. He looks over at you and he smiles softly and waves at you. You flash your best smile back at him and wave.

"I'm _______! Nice to meet you!" You say to him. He nods back.
"Nice to meet you too, I'm Hyungwon." He sticks his hand out and you take it.
However instead of a shake, he kisses the back of your hand. You feel like fireworks are going off in your head right now and you blush lightly. This is going to be an amazing plane trip. He runs his hand through his blonde hair and you just want to sigh and stare at him this entire plane trip but that's rude. It won't make you look good either. You are about to say something, but then the pilot sends an announcement over the speaker and we took off, up into the sky. You look out the window, distracted by the scenery and the once big houses, became very tiny and shrank away. You feel a tap on your shoulder.

"______? Did you want anything? The flight attendant is asking." You turn to look at him and then the flight attendant. "Um, yeah, sure. Water would be nice please." You tell the attendent. She passes a cup of water to Hyungwon and he hands it to you. You smile and thank him and take a small sip from it before setting it down. You muster up some courage to bring up some casual talk.

"Hey Hyungwon?" He looks over at you. "What were you doing in ______?" He sat and thought about it for a minute.
"I was finishing a concert with my group called Monsta X, but I wanted to stay a little longer to look around. That's why I'm here alone. We're headed to Hawaii for a little shoot and then vacation." He sighs happily. "Do you know about us? Monsta X, I mean. Not many do. So I wouldn't be surprised if you didn't." Yes I know you, I have your face plastered all over my wall. You can't say something embarrassing like that. Clearing your throat, you reply casually, "Yeah I do! I'm actually a big fan. So I was surprised when you turned out to be the person sitting next to me."
"Really? I'm glad you know about us! I felt like no one knew me as I made my way here." He smiles that beautiful smile you fell in love with.
"Since you know us, who is your favorite member?" He asks curiously.
"I-It's you, actually..." You blush and say sheepishly. "R-really? Wow! Thank you for liking me the most out of all the other guys! We should take a picture." He winks at you and your face burns up and and you nod. You both take out your phones, but he opens his up first. I guess he wants a to take a picture too. That's pretty cute. You say to yourself.

He leans close to you and you can smell the sweet smelling cologne off him and you feel your heart beat faster. He brings his phone up and you smile brightly as he takes the picture. He smiles and seems satisfied with the photo and sets his phone down. He leans back in towards you to take a photo for yours. You smile warmly after the photo and show it to him to see if he likes it. He frowns.

"Can we take another one? I don't like how that one came out. You're very beautiful though." You blush and feel your whole face go red. "R-really? Thank you~! No one has ever said that to me before..." He looks surprised.
"Wow really? That's kind of hard to believe. Well let's take a few photos then. Oh but can I take the photos instead?" He asks.
"O-oh sure." You hand him your phone and then you both lean close to each other. He takes a normal photo with you and then while you're still smiling, he suddenly turns and kisses your cheek, taking another one. You look at him, shocked, and he just smiles at you like he didn't do that just now. He leans in and whispers in your ear, "A special photoshoot with a beautiful fan, I just couldn't help myself." As ecstatic as you were, you couldn't help but to worry.
"Aren't you worried that someone will see you kissing a fan and that ruining your image?"
"I have no issues with having a scandal with someone as perfect as you are." He winks at you.
"B-But you should, I mean I'm just a simple fan and you just met me."
"It's true, I only have just met you. However, you completely caught my attention as soon as I met you. I have this feeling of wanting to know more about you. You're.....special." He puts his head in his arm on the armrest in between the two of you.
"How about after we get off this plane ride, we meet up later to know each other better?" He smiles softly.
"It would make me really happy if you said yes."
"O-Oh... okay, sure..." You nervously agree. "But how will you meet with me?" He reaches out to you.
"Can I see your phone?" You hand it to him and after a few buttons, he sends the picture he just took of the two of you, to himself.
"Now you have my number. I'll text you the time and location later, okay?" You look at the contacts in your phone and you see that he named himself Soulmate. Aish, this cutie. Why are you doing this to me? You know I can't resist you.

Just then, you noticed that the plane already landed and people were about to leave.
"_____?" You advert your attention to Hyungwon. But as soon as you make eye contact with him, he leans in quickly, stealing a kiss from you. You touch your lips with your fingers as if you could hold on to the feeling of his soft lips. Dazed and shocked, you look at him again and he winks at you as he takes his things and walks out of the plane.

Your phone rings.

I'll be seeing you later cutie <3~

This is definitely going to be the best vacation you've ever had.

(A/N) AYYYYE... okay this is bad. I'm sorry for writing a terrible story. *bows deeply* some ideas I got were from a dream I had last night and well, it got lost somewhere and I made this....thing. Again. I apologize. *bows again*

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