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"Jack are you trying to flirt with me??" Mark says that while they are on skype planning collabs. Jack responds by just laughing. Then Jack says hey you should visit Ireland. So they plan for Mark to visit next week. Mark and Jack were skyping for an hour after they get off they both record videos. Jack isn't focused on the video cause he is thinking of Mark visiting him. Mark can't focus on his recording either because he is thinking of Jack .

One week later.....
Mark gets off his flight to Ireland and goes to jacks house in a taxi Mark plans to tell Jack he likes him. Jack is planning the same. Mark walks up to jacks door really nervous and rings the doorbell. Jack runs up and answers it Jack brings Mark to the couch and jack says " I've had something I have needed to tell you for quite a long time" mark says he does too. They both say it at the same time " I like you" after they say that they just stare at each other in shock. Jack says " I didn't know you were gay!" Mark " same with you" after they just watch a movie and Jack lays on marks chest they watch the movie for a while then Jack and Mark go out to a pizza place down the road from his house. When they get there the sit in a booth and start talking about videos the waitress comes and notices the two faces and says oh hey I know you guys..so what can I get you guys to drink?? We both get cola and a few minutes later our waitress comes back with our drinks. And asks us if we decided on what to order Mark orders a burger with French frays and I order a club sandwich with frys. About 20 minutes later we get our food Jack notices Mark staring at him with a smile Jack calls him out and Mark just says "oh...sorry you're just so attractive." Jack. Blushes and says the same thing back to Mark. They eat there food just talking about YouTube and stuff when they are finished their stuff Jack goes to pull out him wallet then Mark says what are you doing? Jack says um...paying. Mark says no it's fine I've got it Jack try's to talk Mark out of it but Mark is already handing the waitress the money so I thank him multiple times. So then I say I'll pay you back tonight but not with money😏😏 Mark bites his lip "deal" he says.

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