Ch 3: The Pokemon Encounter

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Sam looked around her new room. The movers and their Pokémon had left five minutes before and had unloaded all of the boxes into the rooms.

The bedroom walls were pale yellow with purple flowers on the corners of the room. There was  the bed she had slept in since she was five and a half; the laptop Dad had sent her for her ninth birthday; her favorite Pikachu doll was on top of her pillow.

'I got to admit, this room looks pretty nice,' Sam thought to herself as she sat on her bed. 'But still...'

At that moment, Sam's mother knocked on the door. "Hey, Sammy, how do you like your room?"

Sam shrugged. "It's nice, I guess."

Her mom looked like she was going to say something but decided not to. "Okay. Well, how did you like the neighborhood? Meet anybody new?"

"Yeah. A couple of kids my age," answered Sam. "They said that their dad's Professor Birch."

"Ah, Max and Paige," Sam's mom said, sitting next to Sam. "Your dad is good friends with the professor, so he's mentioned his kids a few times. I'm betting that they're about ready to go on their journeys as well. Do you think you would go with them? I know that you and Charlotte were planning on going on yours together."

"Maybe," Sam said quietly. 'Man, I really wish that we didn't move just before I could start my journey. Charlotte and I had been planning on going on ours together since we were four. Mom could've at least moved here like a couple of weeks after we started.'

Sam's mom seemed to have known what she was thinking. "Look, Sam, I'm sorry that I moved us here before you could start the trainer's journey with Charlotte, but..."

Sam got up from her bed and walked towards the bedroom door. "Yeah, right!" she grumbled without looking at her mother. "If you were really sorry, you would have waited a few weeks before moving here."

"Samantha..." her mother said in a warning tone.

"I'm going for a walk," said Sam. "I'll be back later." Sam ran down the stairs, opened the front door, and slammed it shut.

Back in Sam's room, her mother sighed. "Sammie....."

Sam sped-walked down the road, not noticing where she was going. 'I'm gonna get in so much trouble when I go back, I just know it.' she thought to herself. Sam stopped for a moment and covered her face with her hands. She sighed aloud and took her hands away from her face. 'It's mostly my fault anyway, snapping at mom like that. I've just got to accept that we've moved and deal with it.'

"Please, go away!" a voice cried out.

Sam looked wildly around, noticing that she had just barely entered a small forest. The road was only a few feet away. 'Who was that?!'  "Hello?" she called out into the trees.

"OVER HERE!!!!" a desperate male voice screamed. "HELP MEEEEEE!!!!!"

Sam started to run toward the voice, circling around the trees in her way. "Don't worry, I'm coming!!" She burst past another tree and came to a stop.

Five feet ahead, a man with brown hair was trying to climb higher and higher into a  tree. Three gray and black dog-like Pokemon were at the base of the tree, yapping and barking angrily.

"Uh...." Sam stared at the odd scene. 'Doesn't this guy have Pokémon to defend himself with?' 

The man noticed Sam at that moment. "P-please young lady! M-my bag! Grab a Poké Ball from it and use the Pokémon to get rid of these Poochyena!" He looked down at the three Pokémon and turned a little green when he saw how high he was. "And hurry! I'm afrai-ai-ai-ai-aid of heights!"

Sam looked around and saw a knapsack in front of the closest tree. She dove right for the bag and searched through it. "Where's a Poké Ball in this thing?" she wondered aloud.

At last, she felt a round object. 'Perfect! This must be it!' Sam pulled it out. A beautiful red and white Poké Ball!

Sam looked back at the man and the Pokémon called Poochyena. She glared at the Pokémon and threw the ball.

"Poké Ball, go!!!"

With a flash of white light, the Pokémon in the ball appeared. This Pokémon was an orange color and it looked a bit like a baby chick.

"Torchic!" said the Pokémon.

'A Torchic! That's Blaziken's first form,' Sam thought with excitement. "All right, Torchic, go get those Poochyena!"

The Torchic looked up at Sam with surprise, then glared at her. "Tor? Torchic! Torchic, torchic chick!"

Sam looked at Torchic. "What's the matter?"

Torchic kept glaring at Sam. Then, without warning, small round balls of fire came out from its beak! "Tor!"

"Eeeek!!!" Sam shrieked. Then the barrage of fire stopped. Now Sam glared at the Pokémon. "Hey, what's the big idea! I need you to listen to me so I can save that guy!"

Torchic blinked twice with surprise and looked back at the man in the tree. "Tor!!!!" It looked back at Sam. "Torchic torchic!"

Sam could tell that it was concerned about the man. "Yeah, that's somebody who's taking care of you! You gonna help me rescue him or not?!"

Torchic nodded. "Torchic!"

"Okay then, use Ember on those Poochyena!"

Torchic opened its beak again and the fire was aimed toward the three Poochyena. "Tor!'

"Ena!!!!" the Pokémon screamed. The three Poochyena stopped yapping and barking at the man and looked at Sam and Torchic instead.

"Seems like their attention is on us now," Sam said. "Torchic, aim your Ember at the Poochyena's feet!"

Torchic ran toward the wild Pokémon. Right as it got in front of the Poochyena, Torchic jumped into the air and sent more of its fire right at them. "Tor.......CHIC!!!!"

The balls of fire landed in front of the Pokémon. It knocked them off their feet, almost like a bomb!

"Ena!!" All three of the Poochyena quickly got up. Two of the Poochyena had scared expressions on their faces. "Poochyena!!" they whined as they ran away into some bushes. The third Poochyena, however, did not run with its fellow Pokémon.

"Ena!" it growled, its body in a crouching position and its tail bristling.

Sam steeled herself for the Pokémon to attack again. 'Is it gonna keep on fighting? Or is it going to decide to run instead?' she wondered.

The wild Poochyena stopped growling and stared at Sam and Torchic instead. They both stared back. Then the Poochyena turned its head away. "Ena," it said. "Ena poochyena."

'What the heck is it saying? Is it gonna leave or fight?!!' Sam silently freaked out.

Almost as if it had heard her, the Poochyena's decision was to start walking away. It went in the same direction as the other wild Pokémon had left in. "Poochyena!" it growled at them before disappearing into the bushes.

"What the freak?" Sam said.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2022 ⏰

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