Lost Wolf

19 2 1

Mycan's P.O.V.


The pack had been on edge all day. We all could tell there was another pack getting ready to attack, and that always ends badly. There was always multiple deaths, one pack always ends.

I was brought out of my thoughts when I heard a broken-hearted howl. The whole pack ran out of the door and shifted. We ran in the direction of the howl to see my brother Derek's lifeless body on the forest floor. I heard a whimper from beside me and I turned my head to see Karson, my older brother.

We all lifted our heads to the sky and howled as we mourned for our lost brother. Now it was just Karson and I. We had lost our parents four years ago from the same thing that took our brothers life less than an hour ago.

I heard footsteps behind me and I turned to see a girl with long, dark, brown hair and bright green eyes. Once picking up her scent I new she was a rogue. As I started growling she said;

"I don't mean any harm. I tried to save him. He was attacked by a rogue pack!"

As soon as she said something about Derek, my growls fell silent and the tears flooded my eyes once again.

"Can you shift back?" She asked.

I nodded and slowly walked behind a tree to shift back and put my shorts and tank top back on. As I walked back out to talk to her, I notice there were members of my pack circling her.

"Guys! Stop!" I yelled at them. They looked at me as if I had left my mind, until I said, "She tried to save Derek. Leave her alone." With that they all backed away from her.

I walked up to her and said, "I'm Mycah Kross."

"Avalon Taylor," She whispered.

Hearing that name made all of the memories come rushing back. Growing up I had a best friend named Avalon Taylor. But when her parents accidentally found out about the pack they moved to a different state.

"Oh. My. God." I whispered as I walked closer to her. What she said next shocked me.

"I'm your sister."

"What?!?" I heard Karson yell from somewhere behind me.

"Explain." Was the only word I could manage to get out.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2013 ⏰

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