We meet again

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(Thats Emily pic above, I don't think I said it in the story but Emily is Latina)

Emily's pov
When we got home we hugged and said goodbye. I went inside my house and as soon as I was about to go upstairs I heard the door bell ring, I thought who must this be. I went over to answer the door and right when I answered it I saw my best friend, Oliva
"Ahhhhh I missed you so much" I said
"Ahhhh I missed you to" she said
I haven't seen her bc she was in Mexico, then she went to Canada and she finally came back.

"Omg you won't believe how much you missed while you were gone"

"Ok tell me everything"

"Well I meet this really cute guy"

"Omg. No. Tell me more. Is he like really cute"

"Yess he is and we might or might have not kissed" I said giggling

"OMG Emily. Get some" she says laughing

"Hey what if I just take you to meet him and you'll see for yourself"


"Let me just text him and see if he can meet us out side"

(Mark is in bold and Emily is normal)

Hey mark would you come outside I want you to meet someone;)

Ok sure beautiful :)

I read it and just smiled. Then me and olive head outside and waited for Mark which was not long. He came out and he looked really cute.

Hey mark, this is my best friend Oliva"

"Hi mark nice to meet you" said Oliva

"Nice to meet you to" said Mark to Oliva

"Well now that u guys meet, Mark do u want to come over and maybe we could watch a movie"

"Sure sounds fun" said Mark

We went back inside and I wanted Jacob to come over so I asked Oliva and mark if I could invite Jacob my other best friend and they both said yes. So grabbed my phone and texted Jacob.

(Emily is Normal and Jacob bold)

Hey Jacob would you like to come over I have Oliva and another friend I like you to meet we are going to watch a movie and maybe play games

sure be there in 10

Ok bye. Luv you

Luv you to:)

We heard a know on the door and I knew it was Jacob. I opened the door and saw Jacob I hugged him and he hugged me back.

" hey Jacob, I'd like you to meet Mark" I said

"Mark this Jacob, Jacob this is Mark" I said
They both looked at each other and they both faked smiled. I thought that was so weird but I shrugged it of.

So she doesn't know what it is happening between Jacob and Mark
Will they fight?
Well they become friends?
What will Emily think?

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