She said hi

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Kane Pov:
I was at my locker and that's when she walked in with a big smile on her face every one was saying hi to her so I decided to say hi this would be the first time I ever spoken to her.

Kane: hi

Malon: hi
**she said walking past him**

End of convo

I turned to my friend ace and  he said..

Ace: finally you said something to her it wasn't a whole sentences but it was something it took you long enough

Kane: bruh stfu and come on for we be late
**he said walking with ace hot on his  teal **

Ace: you wrote to her anymore

Kane: of course I wrote to her this morning and gave her some snacks and money

Ace: boy you pussy whipped and you ain't even got no pussy yet you slow I wouldn't have gave her shit

Kane: and that's the difference between me and you

Ace: and what does that suppose to mean

Kane: you use girls for pussy and I don't use girls at all

Ace: whatever mane

End of convo

We walked into class and sat down . I saw Malon at the back of class eating her hot fries I got her . I smiled and got out my sketchbook and started sketching her .

 I smiled and got out my sketchbook and started sketching her

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Malon Pov:
It was time to go home . I was walking out of school digging in my bag looking for my keys that's when someone bumps into me and makes me fall.

Kane Pov:
I made her fall and I instantly held my hand out to help her up I thought she was about to go off on me like a normal girl would but she didn't


Kane: omg ! are you ok ?I'm sorry .

Malon: yeah I'm fine and it ok I wasn't looking where I was going.

Kane: let me help you pick up your thing

** both of them bent down and picked up her stuff . See you later he said picking up the red envelope and handed it to her with a smile on his face. He walked away and got into his car **

Malon Pov:
I walked to my car and saw an red envelope on my window. I picked it up and looked around but I didn't see anyone.
I got in my car and drove home . Once I got home I said hey to my mom  and went upstairs. I took a shower and put on some fluffy shorty and a Nike shirt and some slides.

 I took a shower and put on some fluffy shorty and a Nike shirt and some slides

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I walked downstairs and got me a pop tart and some juice. I walked back to my room and open the letter and it read.


Dear beautiful you're the one I think about before I go to sleep. I look at the clock, waiting for 11:11 so I can wish for you. Truthfully i could talk about you all day and all night and I'll still have a million more things to say. But to many words become meaningless, so I'll just leave it at you're the most beautiful girl I ever met,and I can't imagine not having you in my life , even if you don't know who i am. And if I had to choose between breathing and loving you I would use my last breath to tell you I love you.

Anonymously yours......

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