Scarlett Rose-her nickname is scar or rose. she is stuck in an 18 year old body she is 890 years old. Her best friends are Damon and Stefan Salvatore. She had an abusive childhood but she got her revenge. What happens when she goes back to mystic f...
Scarlett POV I finally made it to New Orleans. I was walking around when I heard 2 people talking about the supernatural stuff. I was walking on an empty street when I saw across the street 2 guys talking. I ignored them and kept walk. When I was far away I heard a whoosh. Vampire trying to sneak up on me that won't do. Then I felt a presents behind me. He tried to attack me but I flipped him over my shoulder and pulled his heart out. "Aw what a shame he is cute." Then I kept walking till I heard an applause. "Wow love you have spunk I like it but you broke a rule no killing vampires in this town." I laughed "And do you think I'm the one that follows the rules klaus Mikaelson." He looked shocked "How do you know my name?" "Honey your the famous hybrid." "You have an accent where you from love?" "I'm from London." I said I turned around to start walking away but he vamp speed in front of me. "London beautiful place now why are you here in New Orleans?" He tried to compel me good I drink vervain. "I have my reasons and compelling me will not help you know why." I said the vamp speed away to my apartment. I need sleep when I got home I passed out as soon as I hit the pillow. 0000000000009 When I got up I did my usual. Got in the shower blow dryer my hair and put on mascara. My outfit was a crop top with jean shorts and a flower sweater over it. And black boots with a daylight black cross necklace and a sliver cross bracelet and a black hand bag
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Then I walked in to the kitchen and got a blood bag and drank it. When I was done I walked out my door. I was walking around New Orleans when I found a bar and went inside. I order Vodka and coco cola. "Day drinking huh." A blond girl says as she puts the drink in front of me. "Yep got a lot on my mind." "Are you new here." "Nope but it's been couple hundred years tho." I laughed I was being honest "Well I'm Cami and you are?" "Hi Cami I'm rose." I'll give her my nickname "You know what Cami I like you." "I like you too." "Now we will be good friends and you will keep me updated with marcel and I will tell you all my secrets." I compelled her "Okay." She said with no emotion then we went back to talking. After a couple of minutes of talking she got up and started to leave she said her goodbyes and left. "Rose is it." That British accent "Hello klaus." "Is rose your actually name I don't think it is." "Mr. Mikaelson my name is Scarlett rose rosa parks." "Scarlett I like it but why did you tell Cami your name was rose?" "I got my secrets and you got yours anyway how's that pregnant wolf of your?" "How do you know about her?" He asked shocked "Again klaus I have my secrets and you have yours." I said smirking to him. "She's good I would like to know your secrets now." He demanded "No can do wolfy." I say and walk out of the bar. I was walking when I heard marcel. "Rosa?" I turned around to see marcel. "Hello sweet heart miss me?" "Oh you know how much I miss that accent of yours." He said vamp speeding in front of me and crashing his lips on mine. "Don't get to carried away love we are in public and we have a guest behind you." I said and turned around to face 2 Mikaelsons. "Elijah, klaus what can I do for you." He said "First you know him second he called you rosa third what are you doing here?" Klaus asked me make me laugh. "Klaus I have MY secrets and YOU have yours." I said. "Oh and that Doppelgänger is going to be dead soon." I said and turned around to walk away but I felt someone grab my arm hard and turned me around to see a very pissed off hybrid. "Tell me why cant I kill you right here and now." He said with a smirk "Well first I'm kinda a big deal so you can't hurt me, second don't touch me, third if you threaten me again I'll get a white oak stake, and fourth I CANT be killed not even by a white oak stake." I said sending the 2 originals a smirk and winking at them as I walked away. There faces where priceless. Ugh I need blood. 000000000000009