Chapter 1

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It was odd and surprising how the training exorcists weren't able to tell that their former classmate, and teacher, were both demons. Spawns of Satan, no less. They were blind, by both the amusing older twin and the leader of the younger. They both had characteristics that made their classmates, their friends, blind to even the slightest chance of the two being a demon. But would their thoughts really change on the twins because of the new knowledge? Hardly. They were still themselves. And they didn't have the attention of harming anyone, they could've done it while the class was unaware, and both the twins had risked their lives countless of times to protect them. Would it really matter?

"A response from someone would be nice," a voice came, and all eyes in the room directed towards it. The voice belonged to one of the newly out demons, Rin Okumura, the eldest and the only one who currently bore the physical traits of a demon. Pointed ears and teeth, a tail that's now shown, and blue eyes that have been told to resemble the fire of Satan himself. He currently had a stiff stance, arms crossed and face blank of any expression other than a slight narrow of the eyes. His tail that had been unwrapped from under his uniform shirt was swinging lowly behind, flicking every few seconds. He was irritated. The slight red glint in his pupil resembled fire, which would've frightened anyone if it wasn't for the larger blue flame sounding it. He was clearly upset, and everyone in the room just assumed he was nervous. It was a mix of that.
Yukio, the younger twin, seemed much calmer. Shoulders slumped from his usual straight posture, eyes relaxed, a small smile playing on his lips.

Shiemi raised her hand, a shy habit she picked up from being the only one to raise her hand at each questioned asked, even if everyone else was shouting answers, or if it was a 'first say, first win' type of question. She was still in her school uniform, which she was still getting accustomed to, along with everyone else.
Yukio simply looked her way and nodded, giving her permission to speak, despite both of them knowing she doesn't need permission to do so.

"Your father is... Satan, correct?" Shiemi asked sheepishly, and she would've gotten an eye roll from her classmates if it was about anything else, but they too need the recap. Yukio nodded again, and Rin looked away, glaring daggers at the wall in front of him.
"I suppose it makes a bit more sense," she crossed her arms over her chest, a small pout on her face as she stared at the floor. When they first met, when she was still unable to walk, she had accused Rin of being a demon due to the gates of her garden reacting foul to him. She had her own curiosity since then, but she had never voiced it out to the others. She looked back up, now frowning.
"But, you don't have a tail, or pointed teeth and ears," she voiced her confusion, hands on either side of her head, fingers straight out as to represent the pointed ears Rin had hidden his blue hair, which barely peaked out. He scoffed at the action, causing everyone to glance his way for a second.

"That's correct, Shiemi," Yukio nodded, and Shiemi dropped arms, hands holding each other under her chest.
"When we were born, Rin was the one that inherited nearly any and all powers, which were transferred to him. I didn't gain any of it, I might as well be fully human. Although," he paused, taking a moment to shrug off his jacket, draping it on the desk next to him, and roll up a sleeve from his uniform. There, large black, clumped up dots sat on his pale skin, smaller ones drifting away.
"Ever since this started, I've done personal tests daily to see if its a possibility my small amount demon DNA I have is starting surface or anything else that could cause myself harm. If it is the first option, the most I can guarantee is the gain of the same physical add-ons as Rin. It's very unlikely I will have any of the added abilities Rin gained once his own powers were awakened," Yukio explained with concentration, rolling his sleeve back down and fixing the button at the ended. His jacket was back on by the time he was done, and the rest of the room, aside from Rin, understood the situation a bit more.

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