Chapter 5

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  • Dedicated to Justin Bieber

Everyone was already asleep except for me. Justin's bed was just right beside mine and I could see his handsome face perfectly.

"Why can't I have you? You're the only guy I want" I mumbled as tears slowly slid down my face.

I've been crying lot lately. Ever since Justin told the Wolf pack about his crush on Selena, I've been crying every night. Why is it that loving someone is hard?  You have to give up some things and take some chances. You have to wait for the right time to come as Pattie and Ryan says. You have to be hurt multiple times so that the love of your life will love you the way you want them to love you.

"Why can't you be just mine? I've been here since day one you know? Haven't you noticed?" I whispered under my breath so that he won't hear me. After that I slowly went to sleep with my tears still rolling down my cheeks.

            The next morning I woke up to a worried Justin. I didn't know why though.

"Why are your eyes puffy? You must have been crying last night, why?" he asked me worried.

"I just miss my parents Justin, that's all" I lied.

I felt bad for lying. I don't really like lying to people especially to Justin, but I have to and I think almost everyone knows the reason now.

"Oh! You made me worried Ash!" he told me.

"Aww... its okay Jay, I'm fine" I said as I gave him a hug.

"You know me Ash, I get so protective over girls especially to you" He told me and I know that he's telling the truth. When we were about 15 years old, I got a paper cut and he told Pattie that I need to go to the hospital and we just laughed at him.

"I know, By the way what's your schedule for today?" I asked him.

"I have a photo Shoot in an hour then rehearsal for tonight's big show" he told me.

Oh! I think I forgot to tell you that he's performing at Madison Square Garden for the second time tonight and guess what? Last time he sold out Madison Square Garden in 22 minutes now he sold it out in just 10 minutes. When we found out that it was sold out in just 10 minutes we were all like 'Oh...My...Bieber!'

            We are now at Justin's Photo Shoot and guess what? Selena is here too. This is just so awkward; they are like flirting with each other and every time I see them flirt with each other the wolf pack would always whisper "its fine Ash". I wanted to just stand up and say 'No! It's not fine! It will never be!' and then walk out leaving them speechless but no I can't do that to my best friends I love them too much but not the way I love Justin of course. An hour later Justin's Photo shoot was already done and I was so glad that we will finally leave this place so that there will be no Selena for awhile but Justin had to ruin my mood.

"Sel? You want to go to my rehearsal at MSG with us?" he asked her.

I was so praying to God that she would say no. But then again God doesn't like me that much today.

"Sure" Selena replied.

That crushed me. She could've said no, why did she say yes? Now I have to deal with the both of them for the rest of the day.

"Leggo!" Justin screamed.

            We finally arrived at the stadium and we went out of the tour bus. I was about to stand beside Justin but Selena beat me into it. Great, they aren't even dating yet and she's already taking my place. Not to sound selfish but, I've been here ever since we were three, she can't just take Justin away from me like that.

"Just come with us instead Ash" Christian told me.

"Thanks Chris that really means a lot" I replied with a smile.

We walked towards the stadium. When we finally arrived inside Justin lead Selena towards the dressing room with us. When we got inside of the Dressing room, I once again tried to sit beside Justin but guess what? Selena sat beside him first. I sighed and Chaz patted my back.

"It's going to be okay Ash" he told me.

I wasn't sure if it is going to be okay though, I mean can't you guys notice? They aren't even dating yet and she's already trying to take my place how much more when they're already dating?

            Justin was already done rehearsing and in just about half an hour the concert will already start, I was so hyped because Justin promised me before that whenever he performs at MSG I will be the OLLG.

"Hey Ash? Can I ask a favor?" Justin told me as he was jogging towards me.

"Sure what is it?" I replied.

"Can Selena be the OLLG tonight? Please!" He told me with his puppy dog eyes.

"Sure" I told him as if it didn't even bother me.

Way to burst my bubble Justin, way to burst my bubble I thought.

            Justin sang almost all of his songs except for OLLG which is the second to the last song. Before he started to sing the song he decided to say something.

"This song is for the most beautiful girl that I've ever seen, Selena Gomez" He said through his microphone.

But I thought he told me before that I'm the most beautiful girl that's he's ever seen. I guess she got my place again huh? Selena was lead towards the stage and then she sat at the stool where I'm supposed to sit right now. Gosh! Why is life so hard?

            Justin just finished serenading Selena and again he decided something.

"As all of you know, this is Selena Gomez. Sel you might not know but I've had a crush on you for awhile now" He said. Then he continued and said those five little words that made Selena so happy but crushed me into tiny bits.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked her.

I was so tensed up. I was praying to God that Selena will say no, however God doesn't like me that much at the time.

"Yes Justin! I would love to!" She replied.

Half of the audience awed at them while half just looked at me including the whole crew, I guess they also noticed. Every member of the crew looked at me with sympathy in their eyes.

"Hey Scooter I'm just going to go back to the tour bus tell Justin I was tired" I told Scooter as tears slowly fill up my eyes.

"I can go with you Ash" Pattie told me.

"It's okay Pattie, he'll need you here"

"No I insist"

"Okay" I told Pattie and we both walked back to the tour bus with Pattie supporting me.

            When we arrived at the tour bus Pattie lead me to her room. She sat me down on her bed and hugged me.

"It's going to be okay Sweetie" She comforted me.

When she comforted me it wasn't like Justin. When Justin comforts me? I feel good right away, but I'm not complaining at least someone's comforting me.

"Why did she have to say yes? She could've said no" I told her.

"Because she's in love to Ash, but I don't think she's as in love as you are. It's okay, there will always be the ones who are going to be happy and there are going to be the ones who will get their hearts broken but in the end whoever got their hearts broken will be Happier, but they'll just have to wait okay?" She explained. I nod at her and drifted off to sleep.


Hi! To all my Filipino readers, I hope you spare a few minutes to read my new story, "He's the one". It's written in a mix of Tagalog and English. I promise it's a bit more well written than this story HAHAHAHA

Forever and Always ~A Justin Bieber Love Story~ [FINISHED] [Watty Awards 2012]Where stories live. Discover now